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Thread: Back on the B&W kick again

  1. #1
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Back on the B&W kick again

    Found a couple of more photos from my collection that I thought were worthy of conversion. The church is in the town of Grass Valley, Oregon that I just happened to drive by and immediately knew I had to look further into it. The old house is east of the town of Maupin, Oregon. This part of the state is a picture straight out of the old west. Rolling hills and high desert landscapes. Completely different than the western part of the state, which is heavily wooded with lots of rain.

    Back on the B&W kick again

    Back on the B&W kick again

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Back on the B&W kick again

    Nice conversions. I know that area a bit; many decades ago, I lived in Portland (I was a teacher in Parkrose) and went to eastern Oregon a few times.

    I think the gradient (if that's what it is) at the top of the first doesn't work. The nearly black sky seems unnatural to me.

  3. #3
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: Back on the B&W kick again

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Nice conversions. I know that area a bit; many decades ago, I lived in Portland (I was a teacher in Parkrose) and went to eastern Oregon a few times.

    I think the gradient (if that's what it is) at the top of the first doesn't work. The nearly black sky seems unnatural to me.
    I like to visit eastern Oregon but it isn't my thing to want to live there. There are a lot of really cool old towns to explore, though.

    The top photo is a slight vignette to focus the eye more on the house. I used a red/orange filter to give the sky more contrast so maybe I overdid the darkening a little.

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