IMGP5399-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
IMGP5236-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
IMGP5327-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
IMGP5399-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
IMGP5236-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
IMGP5327-HDR by Peter Schluter, on Flickr
Good perspective capture on these Peter (i.e. choice of focal length and camera distance from subject)
If I was personally cropping these, I'd have slightly increased the amount of gap between shadow and LHS frame in #2 and foot and bottom of frame in #3, but that's just me!
Good natural looking street scenes.
Thanks Dave. I took all these with my new 21mm prime on a FF sensor. I agree about the framing of 2. I will have another look at the rest of my images I have not yet processed and see if it can be improved. I was trying hard to frame "her" and her shadow but not get any extraneous high street denizens in the shot !