Have recently been considering the use of Adobe DNC Converter (ADC) to reformat the raw files from my cameras. I'm pretty sure lots of you make pretty extensive use of Adobe products whereas that is NOT the case for me. Hoping some of you may also use ADC and can explain some findings that I find peculiar.
My understanding, which is clearly lacking, is that the basic idea behind ADC is to provide a standard format for raw files where camera makers use proprietary formats for such files. To me that would mean you still end up with the same data just formatted differently. However, after just a little bit of experimentation that does NOT seem to be the case. Discrepancies found to date include the following:
First, metadata quantity appears to be drastically different. For example, I used ExifTool to extract metadata to a text file. The resulting file for a camera produced raw file contains 543 lines. Doing the same thing for the file created by ADC contains 221 lines. While I wouldn't expect the files to be exactly the same because it does seem to be appropriate for ADC to include items that pertain to what it has done. However, my logic would reason that this would make the file larger rather than dramatically smaller. A somewhat casual comparison of the files finds that the camera produced file contains a pretty sizable chunk of data labeled "Quicktime". That sort of implies, to me, it has something to do with video. While the camera is capable of taking videos this image is a still photograph. Possibly Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) format either does NOT support video or it handles it differently which suggests that could be legitimately omitted but that only accounts for 121 lines. What is of more concern is that something called "Makernotes" is completely absent in the converted (DNG format) file. I'm NO expert on metadata but I think "Makernotes" contain camera specific data that varies (possibly significantly) from one camera maker to another but it very much includes meaningful information about the photograph. In that, the nature of the data is proprietary but I would expect and want it to be retained. The "Makernotes" amount to 217 lines of metadata for the camera produced file.
Therefore, the combination of "Quicktime" and "Makernotes" data accounts for enough data to pretty well explain the discrepancy in the total amount of metadata. As mentioned, even with my limited knowledge, leaving out "Quicktime" makes sense but what might the rationale be for omitting "Makernotes"? Of course this reasoning is the result of my somewhat casual observations. Possibly this has little or nothing to do with the actual logic behind ADC.
Second, it looks like ADC makes its own preview image. This even includes choice of full, medium or none when it comes to preview images. However, as best I can tell image size is the same for both full and medium even though full does take more storage. Anyway, what troubles me is that neither of these were produced by the camera and to my way of seeing things that is what the preview image should be. In the case of my files, which by the way are Canon CR2 & CR3 type, the image size of the preview image is quite a bit bigger but again I'm NOT so much after bigger as I am authentic camera produced.
With that said I do see advantages for using such a standard format even though I do NOT have anything but Canon cameras at present. I'll spare any discussion of that but would like to know what knowledgeable others think about these discrepancies.