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Thread: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

  1. #1
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    Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    I have a Canon 80D and have purchased a Yongnuo YN565EXiii flash. I am really struggling with the instructions, in particular I would like to use it as a off camera flash while not using the flash on my camera.

    Can anyone help re how to make this happen/set this up?

    The instructions say that you can "control the flash via the camera menu on newer Canon models", is this possible with an 80D and if yes again how do I set this up

    Last edited by Jordane; 7th April 2022 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Are you asking about controlling the flash wirelessly?

    I don't use either that body or that flash, but the instructions for wireless flash (optically controlled) start on p. 244 of the 80D manual.

  3. #3
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordane View Post
    I have a Canon 80D and have purchased a Yongnuo YN565EXiii flash. I am really struggling with the instructions, in particular I would like to use it as a off camera flash while not using the flash on my camera.
    Not possible. You have to use the 80D's flash as the master unit if you don't want to buy any additional gear. But you can also set the 80D so that it won't fire during the shot, only to transmit settings to the YN-565EX III.

    Can anyone help re how to make this happen/set this up?
    You have to put the YN-565EX III into the correct optical "slave" mode. In Yongnuo terminology, this would be known as Sc mode. (Sn is for Nikon CLS/AWL; S1 & S2 are "dumb" optical slave modes that fire when another flash goes off. S1 on the first burst, S2 on the second burst so you can use TTL with the "master" signal and skip the metering pre-burst. S1 are manual only triggering methods; Sc lets you use TTL/HSS, etc.).

    To set Sc mode, hold down the ZOOM button, then cycle through the four different optical slave modes with the left/right buttons. Use OK to set Sc when it's displayed. Also set a channel and a group for the flash.

    Then, on the 80D, go into the flash control menus, and set up the pop-up flash as a wireless master unit.

    Flash Control -> Built-in Flash Settings -> Wireless Functions -> {flash head firing icon}.
    Also set a Channel and ALL groups to fire.

    Personally, I don't recommend getting a Yongnuo YN-565EX or YN-568EX unit as your first flash, because neither of them are radio-equipped. Radio is a lot nicer than optical, because you can use it outdoors in bright sunlight, which tends to overpower optical system. I know they're attractive for the low price. But Yongnuo doesn't have one good comprehensive radio flash system; it has something like four different incompatible radio systems, and it can be a PITA to find out which gear is compatible with which.

    Just me, but consider swapping the YN565EX III for a Godox TT685-C ($110), instead. Yes, it's more expensive (but not much more than adding a YN-622C onto the foot of a YN565EX would be while being a whole lot more convenient). The TT685 also does the "smart" optical triggering, as well as S1/S2 "dumb" optical triggering, but it also has a built-in radio transceiver and (more importantly) it's in Godox's system, which includes a wide array of different lights (speedlights, studio monolights, and battery-powered strobes) and radio transmitters, which are compatible and work together, and have cross-brand compatibility.

    If you do stick with Yongnuo, then you'll need YN-622C transceivers (or a YN-622C-TX as the on-camera unit) to go with your 565EX to turn it into a TTL/HSS capable radio slave. And it'll only be compatible with other speedlights/triggers in the 622 TTL-capable system. You cannot use the RF-603/605 or YN-560 manual gear with it; you cannot use the Canon "RT"-clone Yongnuo gear with it, and you cannot use the Sony Yongnuo gear with it. And you cannot mix for-Canon Yongnuo Gear with for-Nikon Yongnuo gear. Your best bet to pair with it would be a YN-685. Yongnuo's system also doesn't expand much beyond speedlights if you get into studio-style lighting.
    Last edited by inkista; 8th April 2022 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #4
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Another vote for Godox - a range of reliable gear that all works together seamlessly.
    However, I take issue with Kathy on her comment about Godox studio flashes not offering much beyond cobras - The Godox QT400iiM mains powered studio flashes for example take industry standard Bowens S modifiers, support HSS and have built in receivers fully compatible with the other items of the Godox wireless comm system. There are also battery power models for outdoor use.

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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Thank you for this advice.

    Are you talking about this one?

    GODOX TT685II-C TT685CII TTL Camera Flash for Canon, HSS 1/8000s GN60 2.4G Wireless Transmission Speedlite Flash Compatible for Canon EOS Camera

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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Quote Originally Posted by Chataignier View Post
    I take issue with Kathy on her comment about Godox studio flashes not offering much beyond cobras...
    Thanks for pointing this out. Typo [fingers faster than my brain]; Edited that final sentence to now say "Yongnuo's system" (since that's what the paragraph was about).

    I will also point out in the paragraph above, I did say that the big advantage with Godox was the wide variety of lights and expansion options.

  7. #7
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    Re: Yongnuo YN565EXiii with a Canon 80D

    Quote Originally Posted by Jordane View Post
    Thank you for this advice.

    Are you talking about [the TT685 II-C]?
    Actually, no. The TT685 II-C is updated to incorporate a lot of the improvements the V1 introduced over the TT685/V860 II, but along the way, they dropped the "smart" optical capabilities. If you get the TT685 II-C instead of the TT685-C, you cannot use the pop-up flash on the 80D to remotely control the settings or use TTL/HSS. You can only use S1/S2, and to do wireless TTL, you'd also need to purchase a Godox radio transmitter (e.g., X2T-C, XPro-C).

    What a TT685 II has a TT685 doesn't would include:

    • Updated physical UI/menus of the V1/V860 III.
    • 30º backwards head tilt
    • slide lock foot
    • TCM (for on-camera use only, not as radio transmitter) function via a soft button
    • 0.1EV power adjustments in M mode
    • SCAN function (to find least-crowded radio channel)

    But it has less swivel (330º vs. 360º), and no smart optical function.

    The V1 and V860 III have the li-ion battery pack (though it's lower-capacity than the one in the older V860 II), as well as an LED lamp and a physical TCM switch.
    Last edited by inkista; 8th April 2022 at 11:04 PM.

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