In threads quite a while ago, I posted that I avoid HDR because of color distortions, among other problems, and instead use exposure blending (specifically, the LR Enfuse plugin for Lightroom) when I want to combine two or more differently exposed images without doing it manually. I later posted that I was making an exception for the Merge-to-HDR function in LR because in some tests, it seemed to yield results very similar to exposure blending.
No longer. Yesterday I used the LR function on an an urban night photograph. These tend to be particularly difficult in terms of color because of mixed lighting and the changing color of the sky until full night. The LR HDR version created a slight but clear color cast that I was unable to remove manually. It was more than just a shift on the yellow-blue and magenta-green axes. I then re-did the composite with LR Enfuse, and as expected, the color cast didn't appear. Below is a rough edit of the LR Enfuse composite.
I'll post both below. They aren't identical because I did a little more editing of the Enfuse version. The limestone blocks below the bridge and the concrete sidewalk are two spots that show the slight color cast.
So, I'm back to LR Enfuse when I don't want to do manual blending, which is most of the time.
Enfuse version:
Merge-to-HDR version: