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Thread: old shed with earthen roof

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    I added a slightly different edit at the bottom.

    This is a shed at the Berkshire Botanical Garden in West Stockbridge, MA. The nice subdued lighting was gone by the time I got there, so I shot in bright mid-afternoon sun.

    This is just a first edit, so comments are very welcome.

    old shed with earthen roof

    I just noticed the metal hinge on the right; I'll remove that.

    Just for fun, here's SOOC, rendered with Adobe's default "color" profile:

    old shed with earthen roof

    And redited: I cloned a bit more, erased the luminosity blend (which darkened things) from the flowers at the top, and cropped from the right.

    old shed with earthen roof
    Last edited by DanK; 4th June 2022 at 12:33 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    I tend to prefer the wider view which adds more context to the scene

  3. #3
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    I agree with Geoff on this one.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    Do you mean that you prefer the first or the second?

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  5. #5
    Martin A's Avatar
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    I really like the last edit. But after removing the two metal hangers from the door you failed to remove the green channel or track that the door rode in. Otherwise, I really think this is a wonderful image.

  6. #6
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    Do you mean that you prefer the first or the second?

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    I prefer the second as it makes it clear that the roof is not a field of flowers behind the shed. Of course it would need to be processed.

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    Thanks for the comments.

    I dithered about both the vertical post at the far right and the green track. I really like the textures in the former, but leaving it made the image seem lopsided to me, so I decided to try a version with it cropped off. Re the track: I left it because unlike the rollers, it doesn't really interrupt the lines, and it's big enough that cloning might be too obvious. Not sure that's the best choice, but that was my reasoning.

    Re leaving areas to the sides of the shed: that would interfere with the aim of the photo. This isn't a photo of a shed in a garden. My goal was to extract from the image an area of interesting (I hope) shapes and textures. The possibility that the top area would be mistaken for a steeply sloped field in the background hadn't occurred to me. The size of the flowers and the fact that a few of them are casting shadows on the wood might make that less likely, but perhaps not. However, I'm not sure it matters all that much to me. I'm more concerned with how the composition works in terms of shapes and textures.

    All a matter of taste...

    On a few technical notes: I couldn't bracket because this was handheld. I was surprised and pleased that the camera (Canon 5D IV)gave me as much shadow detail as it did. As for processing: I rarely used Nik, but I did use Color Efex Tonal Contrast a fair amount with photos like this to bring out texture. This is one of my first attempts since giving up Nik. I did instead what I posted in an earlier thread: a hefty does of local contrast using unsharp mask in photoshop, amount 40, radius 50, threshold 0, with a luminosity blend. I did this on top of a large texture adjustment in LR/ACR, which of course is analogous to a normal blend in PS.

  8. #8

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    Re: Edited: old shed with earthen roof

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    ... This isn't a photo of a shed in a garden ...
    I did prefer the SOOC but now it is clear.

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