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Thread: Fuji x100v

  1. #1

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    Fuji x100v

    I have ordered a Fuji x100v one month ago and I am still waiting. The camera is to replace my x100f

    There are very serious supply issues around the world. I wonder is this something that shall last for quite some time?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji x100v

    That is a question that is impossible to answer.

    Digital cameras are essentially computers that take pictures, so the chip shortage due to supply chain issues are impacting all camera manufacturers. All the manufacturers are working to fulfill their orders, but appear to be concentrating on the higher end models with better profit margins. Given that the x100v has been around for several years, it is hard to predict what is happening.

    New launches tend to get priority with the makers as they tend to have the highest demand, so that could be part of the issue as well.

    The experts are suggesting the chip shortages will last into 2023, assuming no other disruptions come along. It's not only cameras that are affected. Volkswagen is not able to produce one of their higher end cars because one of the critical components comes from a supplier in the Ukraine and they estimate a 3-year delay on getting a replacement supplier qualified and making the components in quantity...

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Fuji x100v

    Indeed. I ordered a VW ID.4 2 months ago, and at that time, VW told me that they anticipated delivery in 9 months (!) but couldn't promise it. The agent noted the war as well as the general supply problems.

    In that case, one of the several issues was lower-tech: VW was purchasing some of its wiring harnesses from a factory in Ukraine. Perhaps that factory was in west Ukraine and went back online, because I read yesterday that VW resumed production in that particular German factory (Zwickau) after about 3 weeks and just this week got back to its full capacity of 1,600 cars/day.

    I read that Intel made an announcement along the lines of what Manfred wrote: the chip shortage will last into next year. That's in part because it takes about 2 years to create a new fabrication plant, so the ones that Intel and other chip makers started building after the supply crisis hit are still not online.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Fuji x100v

    I've given up trying to find things that have been out of stock for a long time here:
    - a new Playstation 5
    - a new 70-200mm f/2.8 lens
    - a new headphone amp

    On the bright side, we've got more fund to donate to the children of Ukraine.

    Btw, there's no Fuji X100V available here, either.

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