Another nice portrait, Javier. I just wish you had picked a different table cloth for the table. It is quite light and competes too much with your model for the viewer's attention (out eyes are drawn to the brightest part of the image).
Also watch how you pose the hands the top one is bent at an awkward angle and looks a little strange. The bottom one is shot flat on and that makes it look a bit too large. Had the top hand been straight along her face and the bottom one resting palm down on the book, the image would have been stronger still.
Javier, nice photo.
I like this. I like the geometric arrangement of her face, the portrait on the wall, and the candles.
I agree with Manfred about the tablecloth. You want the viewer's eye to go to the woman and to the three objects in the triangle, but the tablecloth is so bright that it pulls the eye.
I am not a portrait photographer but if this were mine I would consider cropping the bottom to eliminate the table legs. My biggest problem with the picture however is the glow around the flame of the candles. It looks artificial to me.