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Thread: Adobe Camera RAW filter

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Adobe Camera RAW filter

    My wife has vision problems so she has her display set on the largest image possible. This seems to prevent the effective use of the Camera RAW filter because the image is so large that none of the controls are accessible. As a result, she never uses the Adobe Camera Raw filter which, IMO, is an important tool in Photoshop. Any solution to this problem except reducing the size of the display any time she wishes to use ACR filter?

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Adobe Camera RAW filter

    ACR opens in a separate window. The controls for image size are at the bottom left-hand corner. If those are visible, you can just shrink the image. If they are not visible, then you would have to change the default size. In the "workflow" tab of the ACR settings, there is an image size section. I don't know whether that might help.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Adobe Camera RAW filter

    What she needs is a Loupedeck CT. You can set it up so all the controls of Camera Raw as well as many other functions in Lightroom or Photoshop are available by pressing buttons or turning knobs. Much easier than moving sliders with a mouse or remembering shortcut keys. The advantage of the CT is the ability to programe the device as required.

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