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Thread: Tablets

  1. #1

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    Good morning,
    I've recently seen a tutorial on LR mobile.
    And, now I'm curious, does anyone here use tablets for wireless tethering and or editing work out in the field?

    Last edited by jkshyt; 7th October 2022 at 04:11 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Tablets

    For some time I have used a Android Phone and.or tablet as a tethered screen, easier to see large image, especially when camera on tripod is not easy to use with viewfinder. I don't edit on them.
    For older cameras I use DSLR controller, but for more recnt cameras I use the Canon apps.
    Especially usefuk when copying and macro.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Tablets

    I have tried Photoshop and Lightroom on my iPad, but that was some time ago. I have the Apple Pencil 2nd Generation with it.

    I found that I can do some very rough edits with it, but for the for really serious work it was not particularly useful. The functionality at the time I tested it was a subset of what I normally use on my desktop or laptop and the functionality I like using was not fully implemented. The iPad is not a colour managed device, so I do not trust the results and would have to export everything to either my desktop or laptop (both are Adobe RGB compliant and have been calibrated and profiled). When I travel for more than a few days, the Wacom tablet comes with me.

    I had been using a Wacom Pro tablet until about 9 months ago when I converted to a Huion Display tablet. The pens used for both the Wacom and Huion devices are much more comfortable to work with and have a bit of resistance when drawing; something the Apple Pencil sorely lacks.

    When I travel (which is when I need the portability), I find that internet connectivity tends to range from bad to horrible, so that limits what I can do on an iPad that really needs to be connected to the web (and Adobe's online storage). With my laptop (which has 4 TB of solid state storage, I have no such restrictions).

    Right now, these device products are not good enough, but as I hope to be traveling internationally again in early 2023, I will be trying the iPad again.

    I have used the iPad for tethering and frankly find I turn to the laptop virtually all the time (the keyboard is useful). I have not used an Android device for this type of work in years, mostly because the phone screen is so small.

  4. #4
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Tablets

    I have a Microsoft Surface Pro 8 with Bridge and Photoshop loaded on it. However, I don't to edits on it. I'd find it too small for editing. They really are just referencing/library tools used to upload, check and store images. I'll then have raws on the card, on the tablet and, if time and bandwith allow, on a cloud. I used to use it tethered when I did some product shots. It was handy for that.
    Last edited by Donald; 10th October 2022 at 03:33 PM.

  5. #5

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    Re: Tablets

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I have tried Photoshop and Lightroom on my iPad, but that was some time ago. I have the Apple Pencil 2nd Generation with it.

    I found that I can do some very rough edits with it, but for the for really serious work it was not particularly useful. The functionality at the time I tested it was a subset of what I normally use on my desktop or laptop and the functionality I like using was not fully implemented. The iPad is not a colour managed device, so I do not trust the results and would have to export everything to either my desktop or laptop (both are Adobe RGB compliant and have been calibrated and profiled). When I travel for more than a few days, the Wacom tablet comes with me.

    I had been using a Wacom Pro tablet until about 9 months ago when I converted to a Huion Display tablet. The pens used for both the Wacom and Huion devices are much more comfortable to work with and have a bit of resistance when drawing; something the Apple Pencil sorely lacks.

    When I travel (which is when I need the portability), I find that internet connectivity tends to range from bad to horrible, so that limits what I can do on an iPad that really needs to be connected to the web (and Adobe's online storage). With my laptop (which has 4 TB of solid state storage, I have no such restrictions).

    Right now, these device products are not good enough, but as I hope to be traveling internationally again in early 2023, I will be trying the iPad again.

    I have used the iPad for tethering and frankly find I turn to the laptop virtually all the time (the keyboard is useful). I have not used an Android device for this type of work in years, mostly because the phone screen is so small.
    I have the same issue, my phone seems too small. I use sony's Imaging Edge for wireless tethering and live view. I was also wondering about LR with a Windows tablet or Android system . Thanks

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