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Thread: Trying new colour schemes - Two Champagne Flutes & a Brandy Snifter

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Trying new colour schemes - Two Champagne Flutes & a Brandy Snifter

    Most of my images have had either a cyan / green or magenta / blue colour scheme. I'm exploring others to see how they work. Orange and Cyan?

    Trying new colour schemes - Two Champagne Flutes & a Brandy Snifter

  2. #2
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Trying new colour schemes - Two Champagne Flutes & a Brandy Snifter

    Not sure about the orange, and the edge definition on the brandy goblet is not the best. It's a bit odd on the left side of the blue flute too - at first it looked like a halo but it's not. Pehaps the left side is over-lit on the whole - the table has got lost too.

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