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Thread: Judy - My Wife

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Judy - My Wife

    It is very seldom that my wife wants a picture of herself and even more seldom that she likes her image. This is one that I shot today. She has recently had surgery for a skin cancer at the tip of her nose and I had a devil of a time retouching the large scar.

    Judy - My Wife

    Not bad for a 78-year old gal!

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Judy - My Wife

    I can see why your wife likes the image. it is well composed and well processed.

    With regards to the tip of the nose, where you did the heavy retouching, the main "artifact" I see from that process is that the skin is very smooth when compared to the rest of the skin textures. I've had success in areas like that by adding a small amount of noise using Photoshop, in the affected area. Try the <Filter> <Add Noise> and use the Gaussian and Monochromatic options. I suspect somewhere around 1% is all that it will need. You just want to reduce the smoothness a tiny bit.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Judy - My Wife

    Manfred, Thank you for your pointer. I tried the add-noise filter and it seems to work best at about 3%...

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