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Thread: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

  1. #21
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    Quote Originally Posted by Kentboy View Post
    That said I am not sure why I would want to compare a lens on a 1.6 against another on a FF
    Well, I do it because I shoot with both a 50D and a 5D Mark II. But also to give a frame of reference as to why I was making what might look like an out-of-left-field "substitute" for the EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM.

    Remember, the 24-105 was designed in the days of film, when everybody shot "full-frame." The 24-105 is designed to be a pretty-wide-to short-telephoto lens. On a crop body, however, the 24-105 becomes a just-a-smidge-wider-than-normal-to-not-so-short-telephoto, and no longer fulfills exactly the same function. If you look at a lot of the EF-S lenses (with the exception of superzooms), they're typically attempting to replicate the function of an EF lens on full-frame. 18-55 (x1.6) is much like the old 28-80 kit lens. The 10-22 is much like the 17-40 and 16-35 L lenses. The 60 Macro -> 100 Macro. The 17-55/2.8 is kinda/sorta a crop version of the 24-70/2.8L. When the 15-85 was introduced, many said, "at last, we have a 24-105 for crop." And 55-250 IS is trying to be a consumer-grade crop version of the 100-400 IS (not that it succeeds and not that you wouldn't want to get a 100-400 instead).

    As I said, I purchased a 24-105L and used it on crop and was happy with it. But I do find it behaves substantially differently and as a consequence is much more enjoyable on my full-frame because of how wide the wide end really goes. The 15-85 accomplishes that same width on a crop body--the one thing the 24-105 on a crop cannot do.

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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    When I take the 50D I usually take the 17-40, 24-105 and 180macro or 100-400 if looking for birds. With the 5DII I usually take the 24-105, 135f2 and 100-400. Depends what I am going to be taking. I can't take all the kit 'just in case'. So if you start with the premise of carrying only one body then that would then detirmine the lens.

    If I want to shoot wide then I take the 5DII if I want to shoot long then I carry the 50D. The fact that that 1 lens does different jjobs on the different bodies is a cost saving bonus. For example the 135 on the 5DII is a portrait lens, on the 50D it is a (fast) telephoto. One lens does two jobs - simple. Can't see your point about having an EF-S lens when you have a FF body


  3. #23
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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    I got the Canon 24-105mm f4 L IS USM and so far I'm happy with it. Got a good deal from a local shop here paying $150 more than what I could online for an import.

    Thanks for all the suggestions folks.

  4. #24

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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    . Got a good deal from a local shop here paying $150 more than what I could online for an import.
    Paying $150 more to buy locally is a good deal? Or did I read that wrong?

  5. #25
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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Paying $150 more to buy locally is a good deal? Or did I read that wrong?
    No, you read it right. I'm more than happy to support local retailers but not at double the price! $150 extra got me the Australian warranty and I could check what I was getting before I made the purchase. It was $1150 vs $1000 inc freight from DWI.

  6. #26

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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    No, you read it right. I'm more than happy to support local retailers but not at double the price! $150 extra got me the Australian warranty and I could check what I was getting before I made the purchase. It was $1150 vs $1000 inc freight from DWI.
    Um, you get an Australian warranty anyway as far as I know (Canon lenses have an international warranty, it's just the bodies that are regional).

    To be honest, I like to support local retailers too, in priniple. The irony is though that most of the time with an online purchase:

    a) It's cheaper

    b) I get it faster

    c) I get better support

    d) They actually know what I'm talking about.

    I'm digressing slightly, but when retailers talk about online sales killing their business I think it's usually more "suicide" than it is "murder".

    Edit: Sorry, I don't mean this to sound like I think you did the wrong thing -- it's just a general frustraton of mine. Often I'd pop into the local store - ask "how much for a so & so" answer comes back "dunno - what is it?" So they go away - and over the next week or so I hassle them about the price, and when they do come back with one, often it's about 30% more than I can get it for online (at which point I could already of HAD it in my hands if I'd bought online). So I ask the question "why should I pay 30% more to get it from you?" and the answer is "well when you get it from us, you get SUPPORT" to which I reply, "but until I came in, you didn't even know it existed". How can they offer me "support" when I know a lot more about the product than they do!

    So these days I'd rather not "pay extra for the support" - that's how I see it anyway. Luckily my main dealers (same country, different city) strike a pretty good line between making a profit, but knowing I don't need (and won't pay) a big margin for support. A good case in point just the other day; was after a new lens - they even offered it to me at their cost ... but it was still $250 (NZD) to have it sent over from B&H.
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 8th January 2011 at 01:36 AM.

  7. #27
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    Re: Alternative to CANON EF 24-105mm F4.0L IS USM

    I agree with you completely Colin.

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