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Thread: Canon R6 MkII

  1. #1
    LenR's Avatar
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    Canon R6 MkII

    Canon has announced the release of the R6 MkII.
    Still on the fence regarding mirrorless for the moment ........

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Canon R6 MkII

    I'll want to see performance specs, but if I decide to stay with FF, I might go for this. For my purposes, I once figured that 30 MPX was the optimal tradeoff between resolution, DR, and diffraction, but 24 MPX might be close enough, and in other respects, this looks to be a very good camera. I'll want to see what tests show about DR, among other things

  3. #3
    LenR's Avatar
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    Re: Canon R6 MkII

    Dan, Agreed, will bide my time on this.
    As a mater of interest I see Fuji has announced the XT5 with 40Mp capability.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Canon R6 MkII

    I'm personally skeptical about the X-T5. It's unfortunately off my list anyway because ACR and LR don't handle X-Trans files well, but even if that problem is fixed, 40 MPX in an APS-C format means a very high pixel density and very small photosites, which could be a problem. We'll have to see what the performance is in terms of dynamic range and noise. However, very small photosites are a problem in terms of diffraction limits, and there is no way to engineer around that. Even the 32 MPX Canon R7 is pushing it, I think.

    If anyone has relevant numbers, I'd be interested in seeing them.

  5. #5
    inkista's Avatar
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    Re: Canon R6 MkII

    Quote Originally Posted by LenR View Post
    Still on the fence regarding mirrorless for the moment ...
    The main issue isn't so much whether you're on the fence but that Canon and Nikon have gotten off it, and are on the mirrorless side. The last dSLR bodies Canon released were the 1DX III and the 850D in 2020. That's nearly three years with no dSLR or dSLR lens announcements. All the Digic X bodies are in EOS R.

    And the case is the same with Nikon: the D6 and D780 in 2020 were the least F-mount models they released.

    Whether or not you want to switch to mirrorless may be moot, if you want to move forward with newer camera bodies in the future. (I mean, if you're not a Pentax shooter).

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Canon R6 MkII

    And on top of that, canon is eliminating some EF lenses.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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