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I have trouble seeing the banding. When I expand the image on my ipad, I see a blue vertical band in the sky toward the left. Is that what you are referring to?
AFAIK, LE noise is of two types. The more common is hot pixels. These are bright dots that appear random but in fact occur at the same place in every image. LE noise reduction works by taking a black exposure, which will have the hot pixels but nothing else, and subtracting it from the prior image. Banding is entirely different.
The second type of LE noise is thermal noise that results from the sensor heating up. This can take the form of odd color distortions, and I suppose it could create a band. I have literally never experienced it with my 5D IV, even though I do a fair amount of long-exposure work. I did experience it with a 50D on a hot summer night. I think the exposure was more than 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
Here's what I would do:
1. dim the light in a room to a level where you can take a properly exposed photo of a blank wall at 6 seconds.
2. either by manipulating the light or by changing the aperture, take a second shot at 2 seconds and a third at 1/2 second, keeping the exposure about the same.
Examine all three raw files for banding.
If there is no banding, I'd repeat this with a lower exposure, say, 2 or 3 stops below the metered level, and boost the brightness in post before examining the images.