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Thread: In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5

    I wonder if this program is worthwhile for users of Adobe Photoshop. I received a $25 USD prepaid Visa Card for taking a survey. The card is limited in that I cannot add any additional money to it. The In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5 costs $24.99 - so I am getting the program virtually free.

    Is it worth adding that capability to my existing Adobe Photoshop?

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I wonder if this program is worthwhile for users of Adobe Photoshop. I received a $25 USD prepaid Visa Card for taking a survey. The card is limited in that I cannot add any additional money to it. The In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5 costs $24.99 - so I am getting the program virtually free.

    Is it worth adding that capability to my existing Adobe Photoshop?
    What can that do that Photoshop cannot ?

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5

    I am wondering about the differences between inPixio Photo Maximizer 5, Gigapixel AI and Photoshop using Preserve Detail 1 or Preserve Detail 2 for larger prints of APSC files from Sony A6400 or A6600 cameras.

    I like carrying my smaller APSC cameras since I am getting old and somewhat frail.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: In Pixio Photo Maximizer 5

    Richard - given the photographic circles I am in, I am quite sure that I would have head about Photo Maximizer from someone if it is quite effective. The fact that I haven't suggests that it might not be quite up to the competition.

    In my own use, Photoshop's Super Resolution outperforms GixaPixel AI, in spite of its limitations (the Topaz product has a wider range of sizes). The Adobe produce creates cleaner images and fewer artifacts than the Topaz one does. Neither product is as good as shooting with a larger sensor, so don't expect miracles here. Unless you are making large prints, they are not worth the effort. Other photographers, whose opinion I trust, have come to the same conclusion as I have.

    I try to avoid using both simply because of the image quality of the output, but I am very picky. I have used them to "save" images for others, but have never used them in my own work. The quality is not there yet (and may never be there) and it takes a lot of detailed finessing in Photoshop to get the images into usable shape.

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