Hello all,
I'm new to the community and to photography in general. I've used a point and shoot for years but was uninspired and didn't really try to learn anything. Now that's changed and I'm trying to learn the fine points of photography, foremost exposure and composition. I took over 400 shots today, came home and put them away for a few hours. When I went back to look at them, there was one that stood out at me and I'm not sure why. I would like your comments and critique, please. I would really love to learn how to make this shot better next time and plan for it rather than it happen by accident. Thank you!
Taken with Canon 30D, EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Shutter speed: 1/60; Aperture 4; Exposure Compensation +1/3; Focal Length 27mm (Program AE)