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Thread: Rug making

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    Ottawa, Canada
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    Manfred Mueller

    Rug making

    These two Kashmiri brothers are hand-knotting a rug using wool and silk. What was interesting is that they "sing" the patterns that they are knotting. The patterns are written down and they have these pattern sheets on the loom. It takes a couple of years to complete a rug. The work is only done by men.

    Rug making

    Other than the fingers used to tie the knots, the rug makers use a loom (on the left edge of the first image) and these three tools; a curved knife which is used to cut the threads, a comb that is used to push the knots tightly together and scissors to cut other things, including the finished rug from the loom. Both rug makers in the shot are holding / using a knife that is in their right hand.

    Rug making
    Last edited by Manfred M; 11th February 2023 at 04:14 PM.

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