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Thread: Print to file in Lightroom

  1. #1

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    Print to file in Lightroom

    Could our Lightroom Classic users help with this please?

    I am using Windows 10 but all steps are being taken in Lightroom.

    My objective is copy several images in my Lightroom catalog to a memory stick. The memory stick has some sub folders.

    The processed images in the LR catalog may be .dng or .psd files in the Adobe RGB colourspace. I want to have them all copied to the memory stick and saved as jpegs in sRGB.

    I have moved the files to a collection created for this puropse, but of course, they remain unaltered at this stage.

    I have discovered that LR has the facility to print to Jpeg and it allows me to choose sRGB. When I select all the images in the collection and choose "Print to jpeg", it asks where to save the new files.

    I tried to save them in the root folder. When I select that folder LR warns me as follows.

    "OVERWRITE CONFIRMATION. The destination J:\ aleady exists. This folder and all its contents may be overwritten. Are you sure you want to proceed saving the print job to this location? Proceed/Cancel"

    If I create a new folder eg J:\[Existing folder name]\[New folder name] Lightroom saves the images into the new folder but names the fies New folder-01.jpeg, New folder-02.jpg, New folder-03.jpeg etc.

    I don't mind whether I save to the root a folder or a subfolder, but I would like to retain the file name from LR with the extension changed to jpeg.

    There must be something else I should be doing in LR to achieve my stated objective.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: Print to file in Lightroom

    Quote Originally Posted by Rufus View Post
    Could our Lightroom Classic users help with this please?

    I am using Windows 10 but all steps are being taken in Lightroom.

    My objective is copy several images in my Lightroom catalog to a memory stick. The memory stick has some sub folders.

    The processed images in the LR catalog may be .dng or .psd files in the Adobe RGB colourspace. I want to have them all copied to the memory stick and saved as jpegs in sRGB...
    I'm not a Lightroom user but a simple Google search on the key words 'lightroom print to jpeg' finds this tutorial:

    If I understand it correctly then this feature is not really designed for your task.

  3. #3
    LenR's Avatar
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    Re: Print to file in Lightroom

    Hello David, have you looked at the "Export" function under the "File" option in LR Library.
    That will allow you to select a specific folder ( the memory stick in your case) You can use "File Naming" to identify the image(s) to your liking, choose the image format (jpeg, DNG etc...) select a colour space, resize etc.
    You can export individually or select multiple images in the catalog using Ctrl/mouse click.

  4. #4
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Print to file in Lightroom

    Select your DNG/PSD images and choose "export".

    Select your settings and press export.

    Although I use LR for cataloguing my images I don't use it for processing/saving as jpeg. The whole "virtual" image thing is beyond me.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Print to file in Lightroom

    Len beat me to it. Just export them as JPEGs with whatever settings you want. You can directly export them to the memory stick or export them to a location on your hard drive and move them to the stick in Windows.

    I've never used the print-to-file function, but I assume that's for using when you want to incorporate the adjustments done in the print module, which isn't the case you describe.

  6. #6

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    Re: Print to file in Lightroom

    Len, Peter and Dan - thank you for pointing me to the Export function. I stumbled across the Print to File option and went down that road all the way to a dead end!

    Export is definitely the way to go.

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