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Thread: Rainbow before storm

  1. #1

    Rainbow before storm

    Rainbow before stormrainbow before storm PP1 15 03 2023 -3951-DeNoiseAI-standard (1) by Bob Gilbody, on Flickr

    I tried to capture the image but failed.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Rainbow before storm

    Looks good to me.

  3. #3

    Re: Rainbow before storm

    Thanks Geoff. It's ok but the light for about five minutes was special. The image is not what I saw. The detail in the wing feathers is not there. Least it was only a click then a bit of post fiddling. If I had painted it I really would have a problem.

    All the best Bob

  4. #4

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    Re: Rainbow before storm

    Hi Bob,
    Looking at the image, I think a possible crop option would be to crop out just below the branch, perhaps leaving the knot on the branch and a bit of the tail. This would eliminate the empty space and bring more focus to the bird's face, which is the main focus area as I see it. I would also try adding a slight enhancement to the eye. Just a possibility for the image. Not entirely sure if such a crop would make the image stronger. Wondering.
    Last edited by escape; 16th March 2023 at 11:40 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: Rainbow before storm

    Thanks for your post Daniel,
    The reason I took the photo was to try to capture the light as it was just before the storm. The rainbows visit each day. It is not a problem to get within three feet of them. The image I posted shows the bird about 15 feet away.
    The point I was making was simply that what we see and what the camera sees are never quite the same.
    This image is one I took a while ago. Attempt at a portrait type view of the rainbow.

    Rainbow before stormRainbow 23 07 22-4042-DeNoiseAI-standard by Bob Gilbody, on Flickr

    All the best Bob

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    NYC / North Fl
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    Re: Rainbow before storm

    That has to be amazing, Bill, to have such beautiful creatures come to visit. Love the second shot.

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