©Image, Steve (Wirefox)
In conversation with... Antonio
Name: Antonio Correia
CiC profile: https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/fo...mbers/m189.htm
Location: Setubal - Portugal
Website: antoniocorreia.com
Rob: Thanks very much for taking the time to talk to us today.
The privilege and pleasure are mine, Rob
Thank you.
Perhaps we can start by you telling us something about your general back-ground. What about your work history – anything interesting?
My father was an amateur photographer, and I remember him and my uncle developing prints when I was 9 years old, until very late at night. At 15 I was taking pictures with his Rolleicord in Paris where I have been with a family learning French. Later, as a young man I travelled to London and Stockholm on my own doing various jobs like washing up in Arlanda.
At 10, in high school, my father sent me to learn how to develop in the dark room as an extra activity and mainly to run away from the Mocidade_Portuguesa a military formation of the time preparing for the defense of the Empire and following the ideals of Salazar.
My father was a professional draughtsman and I had a teacher at high school who was Architect. Both, but mainly my father, were important in my development as Architect. However, between 1972 and 1974 I spoiled two years of my youth in the military service in the former Portuguese Timor, now East Timor. I went twice to Bali, Indonesia during those two tears.
When I came back – a month after the 25th April 1974 – I was bringing a Nikkormat EL and a bunch of primes from Hong-Kong and I kept studying Architecture in Lisbon where I graduate in 1978.
I was already a father of two by that time. After this, I worked in a town hall for a long period of time also doing private work.
And what about your family life ?
Before my children were born, I was shooting with some frequency but with them not so often. Now, in retirement I shoot with some regularity and with much commitment.
I was very struck by this image on your site. A beautiful and intense portrait.
Yes, this is a good shot … We can almost see his soul. This is a really good portrait I know, you made a good choice Rob.
If you were staying in tonight, what would you choose as one of your favourite books and/or films to keep you entertained, and what you be having as a favourite meal?
These days I am maniac about photography. I read "Silvershotz" (of course), "Black and White" - not so good issue the last one - and what comes to my hands trying to move into new trends in Photography.
My wife complains I surf too much, investigating and participating in CiC.
I sometimes read a book or listen to some music.
I am also a subscriber of "aperture" but it is not my type of magazine.
I like grilled fish, like red mullet and boiled fish like hake or cod with olive oil for example very much. Want to come and eat with me one of these days ? With some wine from Azeitão or Setubal
If photography is a given, what about other hobbies or personal interests?
At home my wife and myself, we like to travel very much, for example. We like to see how diverse the world is, how different people are. I wish I could afford to travel more and longer.
We don’t like 12 hours flights but we can't afford business class either. Oh well, we can't have everything, can we ?
How long have you been a photographer, and what got you interested in the first place?
As I told you my interest started early as a young boy who was fascinated by the dark room and it’s process.
I was not interested in any particular subject at the beginning. Still am, but I was known at school as someone who was able to make nice portraits with the Rollei. I was even once asked to make a special portrait of a young girl which has been a success at the time.
No, not the girl, the image. 
What type of photography are you interested in, and why?
I think I have mastered, more or less, most of the technical issues of photography. However I am aware that I know nothing as there is far much more to learn! So, I do some sharp and nice images, but these days I have enough of them and I am trying to move into new trends, new ways, which could lead me to transmit feeling and emotions.
These days I tend to work by themes or projects. I have to admit that this is a great way to make us think and work for a target when we are out somewhere.
Look at Silvershotz – my beloved magazine – or any other great journal and you will always find works under a theme.
I am working on that basis now and I have two major themes going on. I think one of them is especially important as it will be involving communities and will result – I hope – in a major exhibition and a book. It will also be on the web but not now because it is too early for that. I think – if everything goes well – it is an endless theme…
Tell me about the other themes Antonio...
One of the other themes you know it already. It’s about "Decay" or "Urban decay" I have been publishing some images here from time to time.
And yet another one is “May God have mercy on us” but let’s go on I don’t want to keep you waiting because you have so much more to do…
The threads I started here "Square Cropped Portraits" and "Non Square Cropped Portraits" were a success because there was a theme behind them and good collaboration from many but this kind of work has to be more consistent and solid. Has to go deeper with stronger guide lines.
Any particular photographic influences ?
The problem is that I am too influenced by what I see in other's work. But when I see their work I always see the presence of a theme / project and this is terribly important. I am trying to find my way out you know ...
What do you hope to achieve through your photography - or what have you achieved already?
My ambition, but I don't think I will get there, would be the recognition as an artist in the area.
So far I have only participated in a Portuguese Biennale with three images never published on the web. I want to go further but I am not sure if I will get there.
Do you know that for example, if you want to submit your folio in Silvershotz you need at least 12 images? And to have 12 good images you are supposed to choose from at least 25/30.
It’s a tough one to answer, but how would you rate your photographic skills and ability?
As I told you before. I know nothing regarding what there is to be known. One thing is sure: I do my best and I am always trying to learn. In fact, I do have some quite good images. 
I was also struck by this one, Antonio. It appeals to my sense of the unusual. I like the way they each have their own story.
Poor choice Rob, do you like this?... 
Yes, I do like it. See what others say. What do you think of CiC? Any way it could be improved? Where should it go from here, in your opinion?
CiC is a pretty good forum. I think it should be kept this way and I can’t see or don’t know of any improvements to be made.
Small forums are good. I have been in another one before so large, that we have the feeling of being lost and receiving little feed-back in spite of my more than 5.000 posts.
In CiC, the feed-back is permanent and the persons involved are very committed to do a good work. I myself wonder what do people gain by doing so like yourself for example ? 
I learn from clever people like you, Antonio (that's the charm answer!) Getting more personal if you don't mind...what keeps you awake at night, apart from Photoshop?
I am not clever Rob. I am a normal person. Thank you anyway 
But a nice and decent movie on the TV like for example and not to mention but one Wild Grass from Alain Resnais for example may take me some hours into the night.
What photographic gear do you own, and what software do you use for editing?
There you are with technical issues
Is it that important? Not that much. Brands or important brands benefit very much from publicity. Small ones are as good as the greatest ones.
I can tell you that I have what is supposed to be considered as almost top equipment.
What will the digital camera be like in 2020 ? And will you still own one?
Europe and too many Occidental based societies are in a crisis facing giants from other cultures. The future ? the future… What do we know ? ... Things go so fast these days...
But yes, I hope to have a camera if I can still hold it 
Are you in a position to help or encourage others in their photography?
Yes sure. I teach what I know and I participate in a small group of photography in my town. I intend to develop it in the years to come.
In January I am going to give a workshop on the basics of Photography in Setubal, with 10 to 15 participants. I hope to create a forum similar to this one just for my pupils. Going to be fun. Kind of e-learning you know...
Do you consider photography to be art?
Sure, Photography is an Art as Architecture, Sculpture, and Painting are, just to name but three. However, Architecture is harder.
How do you feel about having your own shot taken ?
No problem. I am too serious most of the time. I smile seldom.
What single piece of advice do you think is most useful to someone starting out with photography?
Take it slowly, step by step. After all, before reading, we have to earn the alphabet haven't we?
Can we see two of your shots that mean something special to you, and could you explain why.
I suppose I know when I make a good image but I know easily when I don’t.
But it is always a difficulty to choose a good image. I can’t think of any.
The one you have chosen of the man in India is very good indeed. I have to recognize it.
... Hesitation here. Small waiting ...
But OK here are two images I like very much.
which is a really good composition integrated in the theme "Decay" and
which is integrated in “May God have mercy on us”.
I have explained how this image was shot and composed in this forum if you care to go and see here and started by Elise.
Finally, can you give us one interesting/weird/silly thing about you that we probably don’t know?
I do have many but I can’t remember any now.
We like dogs at home but we haven’t any. A shame really.
We had three when the children were at home.
Oh I just remembered something else: I hope to be able to change my avatar on the beginning of 2011. Silly thing to remember ...
That's all we have time for, Antonio, but I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to us. It’s been a real pleasure, and I'm sure others will enjoy it.
And so do I. It was a privilege. I thank you, not you thank me.
Have a good 2011, with Health, which is something we all need to have.