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Thread: color correction

  1. #1

    color correction


    I am looking into outsourcing action sports and scenic photos for a basic color correction and advance color corrections. So far I have used the free trials offered by Jason.cliff, Jithin, weeditphoto, clippingpathasia, and presently awaiting a response from Clipping path action.

    I am wondering if I am on the right path here regarding these companies, sometimes it feels like I am just been led by the first options that come up when I google. Perhaps there are a handful of quality companies I am missing or a different starting point that some one could recommend.


  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: color correction

    Why not do your photo editing yourself ?

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: color correction

    I would be very surprised if a lot of members here use these services.

    When I have looked at the work that these services offer, it tends to be quite basic and their business model suggests that they are located in Asia, especially South Asia who contract out work, which suggests highly variable quality. There is no guarantee that the person that does the samples that you submit will be the same person used to handle the production work...

    I also find it rather suspicious that many of the sites have lots of graphics, but show little actual of the work that they suggest that they are offering. That is not something that suggests that they are good at what they claim to do.

    Clipping Path used to post spam on this site and got itself into trouble with the site moderators.

    Instead of searching on the internet, talk to people in the business in the area where you work and find out who they use. Referrals are generally the best way to proceed. This is how I found my framers and large format print makers.

    Unfortunately, good retouchers are very expensive and most people end up doing their own work. The very high end photographers (commercial advertising) do contract this work out, but the costs are several orders of magnitude higher that the prices you would get from the online services...
    Last edited by Manfred M; 12th May 2023 at 02:54 AM.

  4. #4

    Re: color correction

    Thank you Manfred for sharing your knowledge you have some good insight and ideas there.


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