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Thread: Colina

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Real Name
    Fernando Cascais



    A colina emerge de uma base oculta na sombra. A figura humana, escura, não se apresenta totalmente como um corpo sólido, com uma textura de superfície perceptível, mas, apenas como um receptáculo á luz, com volume e sem materialidade. É uma sombra que se move no espaço, como uma pessoa. O peso da colina contrasta paradoxalmente com a leveza etérea das gaivotas que parecem feitas de papel de seda branco.

  2. #2
    MrB's Avatar
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    Hertfordshire, England
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    Re: Colina

    Google Translate:

    The hill emerges from a base hidden in shadow. The human figure, dark, does not present itself completely as a solid body, with a perceptible surface texture, but only as a receptacle for light, with volume and without materiality. It is a shadow that moves in space, like a person. The weight of the hill paradoxically contrasts with the ethereal lightness of the seagulls that seem to be made of white tissue paper.

  3. #3

    Re: Colina

    Quote Originally Posted by MrB View Post
    Google Translate:

    The hill emerges from a base hidden in shadow. The human figure, dark, does not present itself completely as a solid body, with a perceptible surface texture, but only as a receptacle for light, with volume and without materiality. It is a shadow that moves in space, like a person. The weight of the hill paradoxically contrasts with the ethereal lightness of the seagulls that seem to be made of white tissue paper.
    There's me thinking he had his thumb halfway across the lens.

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