I think BenQ hardware calibrated would the right place for the OP to look but most people also consider budget
It looks like Dell Premier Colour can still be hardware calibrated. Windows software, not sure about Mac
BenQ appear to be ok with a range of colorimeters, Dell mention 3 particular ones.
My own experience below this is pick a monitor that states full coverage even factory calibrated and calibrate it. Dell in my case relates to using their PC's at work for many years and negligible failures. At home i have had other brands fail.
Other brands that may be worth looking at but I haven't is Asus and HP. Asus have long been suspected of manufacturing for HP. It's probably a fact. Just a personal view. I have had zero problems with Asus stuff in other areas.
Colorimeters. Price variations sometime just relate to the software supplied with them, This may matter when hardware calibration isn't being used, An answer was an application called DisplayCal. Maintained by a single individual who it seems burnt himself out during the worst periods of the global bug so he isn't working on it any more. Bad news for Linux users such as me as there doesn't seem to be any good alternatives. It was available for all p;platforms but due to changes in other areas wont compile any more.Sounds nerdy but precompiled packages were available for all. It offers the sort of facilities that might come with a high end spectrometer,