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Thread: I am selling all my Sony cameras

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    I am selling all my Sony cameras

    I presently own three Sony cameras (A7iii, A6400 and A6600). I no longer desire to carry multiple cameras because of my failing physical condition. I have decided to sell the three cameras and replace them with one camera, the new Sony A6700.

    I am quite happy with a crop sensor camera and the new 6700 has some neat new bells and whistles. I can more than pay for this camera with the proceeds from selling the other three Sony cameras. In fact, I will have some cash left over.

    It would be easier just to dump the three cameras on B&H but, I would get more for each camera by selling it on eBay.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: I am selling all my Sony cameras

    I suggest looking on their site to see what will give you. I've sold things to them several times. It's much simpler and more of a sure thing than eBay, and when I have sold things to them, I've usually gotten an amount similar to the average eBay completed sale price, taking out the eBay fees.

    Their newer competitor, MPB, gets good reviews, but the two times I compared their estimates, KEH offered more--a trivial amount in one case and a more substantial amount in the second case. But it's simple enough to find out. It takes only a couple of minutes to generate a quote from each one.

  3. #3

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    Re: I am selling all my Sony cameras

    I posted in your other thread, but on reading this one, noted the comments about selling gear.

    Ebay is a minefield, at least here in Australia. No seller protection whatsoever, and too many dishonest buyers out for all they can grift and mooch from unwary sellers. In 2020 I was done in with trying to sell a Contax G1, tsomeone who then had buyer's remorse, made a false case, was refunded his money which Ebay/Paypal grabbed by raiding my bank account, and then tried to keep the camera.

    Fortunately for me, we both live in Melbourne. A lawyer friend sent Ebay and the buyer a strongly worded legal warning letter, and I got the camera back. The buyer then tried (unsuccessfully) to get Ebay to refund him the postage and packing cost for returning the camera...

    Ebay then asked me for feedback to the buyer, to that. ha!!

    In a follow up letter I politely but firmly told them to go flush themselves down the nearest toilet. To this day I've never ever bought another thing from them, and I never will. My PayPal account sits unused with $1 in it, which they won't refund as they insist only amounts of $10 or higher can be repaid. To which I again say, ha!! tho' what I really think is unprintable in this post.

    I have never dealt with KEH as they are in the USA and I'm in Australia, our 65 cent South Pacific Peso is a joke and postage rates to here are sky high. If I sell any photo gear, again it will be entirely on consignment via a reputable dealer (one or two still exist), at whatever commission they take. The best dealer I know asks for 25% but pay the sales tax and also has to guarantee the item, he pays promptly, so he takes the risk. So it's win-win for me.

    You could also negotiate a trade deal for the new camera you want. But it's wise to bear in mind that photo shops are a business and need to make a profit, so the offer you get may not be as good as trying other options.

    To me some things in life are not worth the aggravation or the angst of getting involved in. Ebay and PayPal are two.

    Best of luck in selling your cameras Do be cautious, and my good wishes to you on the deal.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I am selling all my Sony cameras

    I have contacted Adorama and they have provided me with a tentative bid for my two cameras. It is a bit less than I might have gotten on eBay but, they sent me a postage paid shipping label and the ease of selling to Adorama and buying from them makes it all quite worth it.

  5. #5

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    Re: I am selling all my Sony cameras

    A likely win-win for you, so good one!!

    I must say I've never dealt with Adorama, being so far away on the underside of the world (= Australia). But then I have good friends over there in Marka who do, regularly, and they all speak highly of Adorama which they rate as honest and principles in all their dealings. So you will probably be completely safe in your transaction.

    It truly feels good, doesn't it, to actually achieve something positive in such a potentially complex situation as disposing of old cameras to buy new ones? I say this as someone who is about to clear out his collection of Nikon DSLRs (two D700s, two D800s) for a Z6ii, this in my ongoing effort to lighten the load I now have to cart about with me in my old age when I go out on my sadly all too infrequent photo shoots now. So I too am about to launch myself in this netherworld, and I wish both of us the very best of luck in so doing.

  6. #6

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    Re: I am selling all my Sony cameras

    RP, please give us an update on how your 'quest' to dispose of old cameras for new cameras, has turned out.

    We are all madly curious. Of course we hope you did well out of the transaction, and your subsequent purchase of new gear.

    Please let us know.

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