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Thread: Aquatic wildlife

  1. #1
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Aquatic wildlife

    I wish these photos were mine, but they're by a friend, Yrieix Delaunay, who is a wildlife enthusiast on a very tight budget and who has developed a technique that I just have to share with you. For shallow ponds and streams he gets into the water armed with a small domestic aquarium which simply floats in the water like a boat. His Canon 5D ? goes into the aquarium and he pushes down as needed to get the depth he wants and simply shoots through the glass.

    Aquatic wildlife

    Aquatic wildlife

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Aquatic wildlife

    Your friend has developed an excellent process here. The images are stunning. I just hope that his aquarium does not break when he is shooting under water.

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