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Thread: Changes in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Changes in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)

    This morning ACR has changed!!

    When I went into ACR from Photoshop, the Menus had changed. The most obvious being that the 'Basic' tab is now gone and is replaced by 'Light'. And the items such as 'Clarity', 'Texture' and 'De-haze' are moved from what was 'Basic' into 'Effects'. And I think the 'Sharpening' tool has been updated.

    All of this looks fine, but I didn't know it was happening and I can't find anything on the internet about it (either Adobe's website or any other 3rd party site).

    Anyone got any info?

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Changes in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)


    I've just found out what it is - Adobe ACR 16.0. An updated version. Just watched a video on it. Seems that the major new development is a new feature called 'Point Color'.

    Oh well. So now I know.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Changes in ACR (Adobe Camera Raw)

    Odd that they did this, and IMHO not good. They added point color in Lightroom as well, but the only change to the interface is that the old HSL panel is now labeled "color mixer", and point color and the old HSL are the two options under that. They didn't change the content or labeling of the Basic panel. Why they would change these in ACR is beyond me. Some of us use both, and the more dissimilar the two interfaces are, the harder that is.

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