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Thread: edit in photoshop grayed out

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    edit in photoshop grayed out

    In case anyone else encounters this:

    I recently deleted Photoshop beta from my computer because the new AI features are in the stable version. I think that's what caused this problem. the next time I went to the "edit in" menu in Lightroom, photoshop was grayed out, and when I tried to put it back using preferences, there were no options in the drop-down box. LR simply didn't recognize that Photoshop was there.

    The online solution is to uninstall and reinstall both Lightroom and Photoshop. However, it seemed to me that uninstalling and reinstalling only photoshop might do it, and indeed, that fixed the problem.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: edit in photoshop grayed out

    I had a somewhat similar experience when I ran the regular and beta versions, but as I use Adobe Camera Raw, my experience was a little bit different. I did find that ACR, when accessed through Adobe Bridge, tended to open the Beta version of Photoshop, rather than the production version, but this was not 100% consistent. The beta version was updated quite frequently (sometimes more than once in a week) and every time a new update was installed the behaviour tended to change.

    When I removed the beta version, the only version that ACR was linked to was the production version, so no issues at all.

  3. #3

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    Re: edit in photoshop grayed out

    I don’t know if Lightroom has a “repair” option, (instead of uninstall and install) but that would probably fix the issue as well. I don’t use Lightroom, so I can’t verify.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: edit in photoshop grayed out

    Quote Originally Posted by rambhowmik View Post
    If the "Edit" option in Photoshop is grayed out, check if you have an active layer selected, ensure there's no active selection, unlock the layer if necessary, verify the image mode, rasterize Smart Objects, consider the document size, update Photoshop to the latest version, check file permissions, and reset preferences if needed.
    If the issue persists, seek assistance from Adobe Support.
    Before doing all of this, just reinstall photoshop, and if that doesn't work, reinstall Lightroom as well. (I didn't need to fuss with Lightroom.) If I'm not mistaken, I found this advice on an Adobe webpage. The problem had nothing to do with the characteristics of an individual image.

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