I can see why you took this shot. There is a lot of interesting material here and as you have noted, there are some technical issues; noise in the sky is quite noticeable, the mixed light gives the man a rather orange skin tone and he is definitely not quite sharp.
The bright area to the camera right of the man are really distracting and draw far too much attention. That area really needs to be rebuilt through cloning or AI assisted fill. The man is unfortunately too close to the edge of the frame, looking the wrong way. Without the moon, the image would have a completely different dynamic and I suspect removing it will take away more impact than leaving it in place.
A bit of dodging and burning never hurts.
If you open either image up in Lightbox mode and use the arrows to toggle back and forth, the changes I made are more apparent. I used Topaz for noise reduction and sharpness improvements.
![Late Preperation](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53386183124_8020848e9f_o.jpg)