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Thread: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

  1. #1
    The amateur's Avatar
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    A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    "I don't have the paid ChatGPT because it's not justified for me, but someone very close has the subscription, benefiting greatly from simplifying complex tasks, creating texts, and more​, much more.
    As a playful experiment, we decided to use the paid ​v​ersion (ChatGT-4), ​as an experience that ended up extending to another ​(later I will write about it) because the excitement and fascination were overwhelming.
    The available GhatGTP-4 lacks any add-on to better respond to queries in the field of photography.

    First, we asked it to critique the following image in a maximum of 100 words (in Portuguese) and provided the image.

    The response ​translated using the free app was:
    "In this intriguing capture, the photographer seems to explore the interaction between visibility and concealment, creating an almost mystical atmosphere.
    The smoke that fills the image acts as a veil, suggesting a scene of ritual or contemplation.
    Although the details are shrouded in mist, the effect is intentional and evokes a sense of curiosity and introspection. The choice to partially hide the subjects is a bold move that pays dividends, inviting the viewer to look closer and imagine what lies beyond the smoke."

    Fascinating, isn't it ? Or terrifying, perhaps...
    This is an absolute zero compared to highly sophisticated and complex operations.

    A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

  2. #2

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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    I love Chapt GPT. Recently, I researched how we all view images differently. I probed, questioned, and was able to compile enough information for an article. It's interesting when you see it in its entirety. You start understanding why.

    To get the most out of Chat GPS, you first need to assign the prompt a character. Then, a detailed prompt. You can create it so an expert photographer and judge can critique your image. Even then, what does it all really mean? I suppose if you learn something that helps you, that is good. A simple prompt produces simple results, which I think is the case here.

  3. #3
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    Thank you for commenting Daniel
    Indeed, the test was quick to prevent the soup from cooling down.

    The power of this application and similar others combined with specific ones is simply fantastic, and we're (they are) only scratching the surface.
    In a few years, everything will have evolved for both, better and worse. This is what happens today, so... nothing new here.
    It's like an iceberg: what's underneath is substantially larger than what's visible on the surface.

    There are indeed other applications that generate prompts, allowing us to achieve specific results and meeting our desires and goals.

    Cheers !

  4. #4

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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    Quote Originally Posted by The amateur View Post
    Thank you for commenting Daniel
    Indeed, the test was quick to prevent the soup from cooling down.

    The power of this application and similar others combined with specific ones is simply fantastic, and we're (they are) only scratching the surface.
    In a few years, everything will have evolved for both, better and worse. This is what happens today, so... nothing new here.
    It's like an iceberg: what's underneath is substantially larger than what's visible on the surface.

    There are indeed other applications that generate prompts, allowing us to achieve specific results and meeting our desires and goals.

    Cheers !
    Yes, Antonio, it's only the start. With enough time, we will all be cyborgs.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    ChatGPT, MidJourney and especially Adobe Firefly (as well as all of the Adobe Content Aware functions, that are AI powered) have become part of my regular workflow.

    They are just some more tools in my toolkit...

  6. #6
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    Thank you, Manfred, for your precise comment.

    I had already taken a look at Firefly and was very unimpressed by the little dog that appears right in the initial image at least here. This type of artificial image displeases me.

    So, I found too quickly the application uninteresting, but just the fact that you, Manfred, mentioned it as part of your regular workflow, makes me want to investigate and learn more about it.

    I find ChatGPT (paid and not) fascinating as a source of knowledge and creativity, especially when used alongside other tools, not necessarily related to photography.
    Continuation of post 1
    ChatGPT-4 was then asked to "Recreate this photograph now in an environment that resembles Saudi Arabia"

    The result obtained shown bellow from a "real" photograph was both fantastic and disastrous.
    Fantastic because it swiftly built an image that matched the request, but disastrously because it looks miserable, displeasing, and unreal.

    Certainly, the fault lies not with ChatGPT but rather with the input provided and the lack of prior instructions in this field.
    Now, I'm going to investigate Fireflight.

    Manfred, how about making a thread about Firefly
    Cheers !

    A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTPA glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

  7. #7

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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    Right now, you can create an AI-based forum and populate it as you wish. If you want to know the steps to do so, ask AI. We are on the threshold of a new age.

  8. #8
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Re: A glimps at the fascinating ChatGTP

    Philip is right when he says that the GPT-4 chat can perform complex image analysis.
    At the moment I have not yet started paying for ChatGPT-4 because it would not be useful to me, although I have been strongly tempted to do so.

    In the meantime, I discovered Bard, which seems to give me better results at least in the free version. Or maybe I just feel like it's better, but it will be identical for sure.
    But I use this application (Bard) in a different and basic way: I tell the computer (in Portuguese) the text I want, for example to make comments on this forum, and I ask to translate it into English.
    You perhaps recognise that the English is rather"strange" ?
    This saves me a lot of time because writing in English is too time-consuming for me. I can read it with some ease, however.

    Yes, as David says, we are at the beginning of a new era completely different from the one we have lived until now.
    There will be many positive and negative aspects, as is everything.

    I have seen images created by applications specifically dedicated to the effect, but they seem too artificial. For now !
    However, in Photoshop I use Generative Fill frequently to say, "clean up" the photographs of those elements that seem perfectly superfluous to me.

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