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Thread: Shadowy Encounter

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    NYC / North Fl
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    Shadowy Encounter

    I saw this shadowy figure in my cabin. It raised its hand and waved to me. It then wiggled its fingers. Incredibly, the hand transformed itself into a rabbit and then a dog. I thought no one would believe this, so I took its photo. I should have been frightened but oddly only fascinated.

    Shadowy Encounter
    Last edited by escape; 7th January 2024 at 03:36 PM.

  2. #2
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Antonio Correia

    Re: Shadowy Encounter

    It doesn't matter if this photograph is blurry, has too much light in the background, or any other technical aspect. What matters is that this image conveys and suggests some mystery about the shadow that almost beckons us.

    The painting, the frame with letters on it, turned 90 degrees, forces us to turn or not our heads at that angle , gives the image a denser mystery not allowing to clearly perceive whether he is inside or outside the house. It doesn't matter, anyway !
    Even the character himself, with apparently a phone in his hand, could be inside the house or not. And again, it doesn't matter.

    The only thing I would change here is what appears to be a pillow on the sofa on the right side.

    Good image ! I like it !

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    NYC / North Fl
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    Re: Shadowy Encounter

    Well, thank you, Antonio. It was all done in fun. I took several shots. Some I cropped and ultimately decided to leave it as is. I almost didn't post this, but I found the story funny. The painting is of Coney Island, an amusement park in NYC, with the Wonder Wheel in the corner visible. The words say, Bump Your Ass Off, a reference to a bumper car ride.

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