The sky looks fine to me. The girls are a tad overcooked. Still, it looks fine to me.
Cheers Ole
A very interesting image, no doubt, representing the friendship between two ladies.
The lady on our left looks more informal, while the other is dressed in a more formal but not too much.
Both ladies are very happy to be captured by the camera, but it seems to me that the image would benefit from a shallower depth of field and the figures standing out in general in terms of brightness.
I usually like, especially in this type of images, to have the subject highlighted from the general environment, so I would start by isolating them, that is, selecting the background and giving it a lower brightness.
Another aspect that stands out here and that I find interesting is that the colours in the entire environment are more muted, less bright, and this clearly contrasts with the colours of the ladies' clothes.
+1 good photograph![]()
Possibly try it with a little bit less sky although that might mean going to a different size ratio because I wouldn't want to lose much from the sides.
I agree with Antonio's and Geoff's suggestion. I also think it is a bit overcooked--specifically, over saturated.
Here's a quick edit:
1. I reduced saturation a little.
2. I cropped to make the women more important.
3. I selected everything but the people to darken the background a little.
4. I selected the sky and darkened it quite a bit more. For this, I used a luminosity blend mode because simply darkening it with a normal blend, or in anything working RGB, makes the blue unnaturally saturated.
Thank you, Dan, for the edit and outline. It was very helpful in getting it how I would like it.
Thank you, Ole, Antonio, and Geoff. Your input is always valued and appreciated.
I don't describe the work done on an image like Dan, but I made my attempt to darken the overall environment and create shorter depth of field and therefore create a greater separation between the women and the background.
I took the opportunity to make some adjustments by erasing bushes and trees that I felt shouldn't be there.
I ended with the symmetry creating perhaps a greatest dynamism in the image
I hope you like it.
Cheers !
Last edited by The amateur; 22nd January 2024 at 10:19 PM.
I ended with the symmetry creating perhaps a most excellent dynamism in the image
I hope you like it.
Cheers !![]()
Antonio, when I view your crop, my eyes tend to abruptly move from the girls on one side to the railing on the other. I would maintain the girls in the center. The image I posted is a cropped version of the original shot. The original showed more of everything that surrounds the girls. They were far away, with much more of the pier showing before them, which I liked. I cropped it down to make it more about the girls and less about the pier.
Thank you for editing the image, exploring new possibilities, and sharing it.
Last edited by Dave Humphries; 24th January 2024 at 07:30 PM.
Interesting ! My instinct was to move the subject off centre too, but having seen Antonio's version (which is much as I would have done it) I think I prefer the original crop. I do like the reduced dof and the darker background though.