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Thread: Our New Family Member

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Our New Family Member

    We have had Lainey for a week now and she is a loving girl. She has adopted Judy, my wife, as "her"person and wherever my wife is; we are sure that Lainey will be right next to her.

    Our New Family Member

    Lainey is the first large dog that I have not raised from a puppy. She has had a hard life and has had very little in the way of training. Luckily, she is avery gentle dog without any aggressive behavior. However, she will fiercely defend out home.

    Lainey has welcomed all of our guests and is friendly towards them. However, we did not introduce her to our exterminator and she definitely let him know that he was not welcome. There is no way that I would intrude into a property that Lainey was defending. She was inside and he was outside.

    There are many differences between Lainey and Serena, the Great Pyrenees (Pyrenean Mountain Dog), I recently lost. One of the main differences is that Lainey doesn't really like to be outside - especially if it is raining. Serena loved the yard and didn't mind the rain at all.

    Anyway, I am very glad that we have Lainey.

  2. #2
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Our New Family Member

    Nice looking dog, rescues are so worthwhile. My German short hair pointer Oslo joined us at 9 years old, so he was not with us for many years, but he was superb. He arrived believing that cats were to be chased at best and probably murdered. We spent around 10 days with him on a lead at all times, day and night, till he got the message regarding our 5 cats. The key moment was when one of our boy cats walked straight up to him and licked his face. I nearly had a heart attack, but it passed off without incident and we never had another moment of worry.

    PS - a tad more depth of field to bring the dog's right ear into focus would have been nice.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Our New Family Member

    Quote Originally Posted by Chataignier View Post
    Nice looking dog, rescues are so worthwhile. My German short hair pointer Oslo joined us at 9 years old, so he was not with us for many years, but he was superb. He arrived believing that cats were to be chased at best and probably murdered. We spent around 10 days with him on a lead at all times, day and night, till he got the message regarding our 5 cats. The key moment was when one of our boy cats walked straight up to him and licked his face. I nearly had a heart attack, but it passed off without incident and we never had another moment of worry.

    PS - a tad more depth of field to bring the dog's right ear into focus would have been nice.

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Our New Family Member

    It is worthwhile to give an animal a home. Even for a few years. In this case it is what we can do for Rainy that makes me feel good. The only thing that would have been impossible is if she were vicious to our small dogs. She is just fine with small dogs but, doesn't like larger dogs.

    One problem which we are in the process of correcting is that she will grab just about any food off the table or counter. We are becoming quite careful about leaving edibles within her reach. She is quite skinny. I am feding her 150% of the recommended amount in an attempt to bulk her up.

  5. #5
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Our New Family Member

    Ah, yes, thieving. Oslo did that too at first. He also turned out trash cans and learned how to get into the kitchen waste bin. The worst incident was pulling a full cast iron casserole off the stove, it broke the casserole and the floor tiles it landed on. I imagine that he was simply used to being underfed and felt the need to take every opportunity to eat. It took a while, but he did learn and I'm sure that simply not being hungry must have had its effect in time.

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