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Thread: Puppy Rehabilitation

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    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Puppy Rehabilitation

    Princess is a Maltese puppy that was hit by a car. Her left rear leg was broken and she was turned into a Los Angeles, California Animal Shelter. Because of the extent of her injuries, the shelter planned to euthanize her.

    Our rescue group stepped in and rescued this darling little girl. Our orthopedic vet saved her leg and inserted a pin to stabilize the bone. You can notice that her left leg has been shaved for the surgery. We are fortunate that we have benefactors that allow us to help dogs like Princess.

    It has been about five days since her surgery. We expected her to be in a cast but the ortho vet states that it will be best for her to place some weight on the leg. She is doing quite well and is recovering at our home. My wife is a retired RN and we are set up to help a dog like this. The image is her entry photo that we will keep for a baseline. She doesn't seem to be in great pain and is beginning to place a bit of weight on her leg.

    Puppy Rehabilitation

    She spends most of her day in her pen but, we take her outside to go potty several time a day and in the evening, she sits in my lap or my wife's lap and really enjoys that. She eats just fine and since she seems not to be in great pain - we will probably stop giving her pain medication today.

    I will shoot more images and possibly some video as she begins to improve. This little girl is brave and very loving; her tail begins to wag whenever she sees us. She will make a wonderful pet for a lucky family after she fully recovers.

    And to answer the obvious question - it is difficult to give up a sweet girl like Princess after nursing her back to health.
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 1st March 2024 at 05:43 PM.

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