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Thread: Natures Colors Pop

  1. #1

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    Natures Colors Pop

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Natures Colors Pop

    Hi Raymond,

    I am assuming you were drawn to take the photo of something nice buried within the forest greenery, therefore I won't suggest cropping the heck out of it to be left with just the fruits. This is a difficult idea to pull off.

    With the aim of enabling you to 'see' an image's shortcomings during shooting, while you may have time to do something to improve the compositional elements of an image, here's a Q&A.

    Q. When you look at the above now, what is the first thing you notice?
    A. Probably the berries - good

    Q. What's the next thing you notice?
    A. I'd suggest your eyes are drawn to the very bright foreground leaf, which is out of focus, but is large in the frame and distracting from the 'hidden gem' of the subject

    Q. Could you have moved that out of frame at the time of shooting, by temporarily weighing it down with something?

    The next major distraction that grabs my eye is the sharply focused, sawtooth edge of the (bright) underside of a leaf.
    Q. With a bit of careful poking, could that have been persuaded to face a different direction?

    Then consider whether the subject should be centred, as I'm sure you know by now, most pleasing compositions have the primary subject set according to the rule of thirds, suggesting a slight offset would have helped.

    Hope that's helpful - keep shooting and posting here.


  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Maryland , U.S.
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    Re: Natures Colors Pop

    Always grateful for any input to progress my photography

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