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Thread: Spring in a nearby woods

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    Spring in a nearby woods

    Took a walk today in a nearby woods and took my camera for the first time in months. Took a number of images of spring, including these. The last has a few bugs that I didn't notice until I uploaded it.

    These were an experiment: I left my tripod on my pack and used just the IBIS and lens IS, setting the shutter and aperture but setting ISO to auto. The Canon R6 II has a nifty mode that allows you to control ISO, shutter, and aperture all from within one mode.

    Spring in a nearby woods

    Spring in a nearby woods

    Spring in a nearby woods
    Last edited by DanK; 16th May 2024 at 02:31 AM.

  2. #2
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Spring in a nearby woods

    Three beautiful photos Dan. I particularly like the first for its simplicity.

    You must have a steadier hand than I do because I could not pull those off hand held at 1/60 sec.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Spring in a nearby woods


    Many thanks. The combination of IBIS and in-lens IS is pretty remarkable. Still, I had a LOT of discards because I'm not that that steady. The biggest problem was moving slightly backwards or forwards and slightly losing focus because IBIS does nothing to help with that. I experimented with putting the camera on servo AF, but that didn't reliably work because my macro lens isn't very fast-focusing. Having to position myself to get a reasonably flat subject and a reasonable background didn't help. Most of the time, I composed, figured out from that where I wanted the AF point, then went back into position.


  4. #4
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Re: Spring in a nearby woods

    The last one is definitely the one I like the most because of the composition and colours.

    Shaking hands a little bit is a common problem for people of a certain age. I shake more on the left side than on the right one, but I can almost always get enough steadiness to take good pictures. So far, so good !

    As we know, when taking pictures with a shallow depth of field, this problem is critical and has to be solved somehow, such as leaning against a wall, holding our breath, tensing up a bit, or something else.

    Great work, I really liked it.
    Cheers !

  5. #5
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Spring in a nearby woods

    Quote Originally Posted by Round Tuit View Post
    Three beautiful photos Dan. I particularly like the first for its simplicity.

    You must have a steadier hand than I do because I could not pull those off hand held at 1/60 sec.
    You would with the IBIS that's in the current Canon and Nikon mirrorless (and probably others but these 2 are the only ones I have personal or other direct knowledge of).

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Spring in a nearby woods

    And at least with Canon, the in-lens stabilization augments the IBIS. But again, movement forward and backward is a big deal at these close distances

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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