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Thread: Fluffy the puppy

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Fluffy the puppy

    This is a grab shot of a neighbour's dog. I had the camera set up to shoot some insects when he asked if I would like to photograph his new pet. Not the best but turned out better than I feared it would and he (the neighbour, not the dog ) was happy.

    Fluffy the puppy

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: Fluffy the puppy

    I can see why your neighbour likes this shot, you got down low and filled the frame nicely.

    I find the image a touch "muddy", so perhaps dodging the dog a bit and then bringing out the texture in the fur might be worth considering. I also tried to dodge the bright spots in the eyes to give them a bit more life.

    If you open the image in Lightbox mode and toggle between the two images, you can see these minor changes a bit better.

    Fluffy the puppy

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