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Thread: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

  1. #1

    Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Hiked up Mt Constitution from Cascade Lake and enjoyed a nice view and a great hike.

    Not sure these are framed well, but still a beautiful place.


    1. Mt. Consitution Summit looking out at Eastsound Village.

    Orcas Island Mount Constitution SummitMount Constitution summit - Orcas Island by sharonkay finley, on Flickr

    2. Another viewpoint at the summit.

    Orcas Island Mount Constitution SummitSan Juan Islands from Mt Constitutions by sharonkay finley, on Flickr
    Last edited by Lovelabradors; 10th June 2024 at 09:23 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Love the colours in the first image Sharon.
    Cheers Ole

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Looks to have been worth the effort Sharon! Maybe crop the tree out of the "San Juan" one?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    OK but are the cloud highlights fractionally over exposed?

    I tend to agree with removing that bit of dead wood from the bottom right corner. Maybe a mix of crop from the bottom and clone? But it may mean having a different size ratio

  5. #5
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Sharon, I enjoyed both photos. But I may be biased because of my geographical proximity to Orcas Isalnd.

    As for the dead tree in the lower right of the San Juan photo, my immediate reaction was that it had probably been (or came from) an arbutus tree (aka madrone on your side of the international border). Would it be possible to clone it out? As Geoff has noted, if you crop it out, the aspect ratio of the image would need to change and it works well as it is.

  6. #6

    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Thanks for the comments.
    The first image, yes it's a bit over processed. The clouds were certainly there.
    The second image I should have taken out that log yes. Not sure why I was attached to it, it is not an interesting part of the photo.
    Bruce, what part of Canada are you in? We purchased property on Orcas and will be moving there in the future (year or so) for my work/business. Gorgeous part of Washington State and a really unique and engaged community.
    We thought about hopping the border into Vancouver Island, but it's so hard to get there from here now.

  7. #7
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Quote Originally Posted by Lovelabradors View Post
    Thanks for the comments.
    The first image, yes it's a bit over processed. The clouds were certainly there.
    The second image I should have taken out that log yes. Not sure why I was attached to it, it is not an interesting part of the photo.
    Bruce, what part of Canada are you in? We purchased property on Orcas and will be moving there in the future (year or so) for my work/business. Gorgeous part of Washington State and a really unique and engaged community.
    We thought about hopping the border into Vancouver Island, but it's so hard to get there from here now.
    Hi Sharon, I'm in Victoria at the southern tip of the island. There's a park I know well with a rocky shoreline that provides a wonderful view across the strait to the Olympic mountains; and if one looks west on a reasonably clear day, it's possible to make out Whidbey Island. And on clear days, Mount Baker is often clearly visible. So lots of good vantage points to view the US but direct connections, as a crow would fly, are limited.

    Yes, I think I read in the newspaper that the Anacortes ferry to Sidney is not running at the moment and any plans to restart it are in the dim distant future.
    Last edited by Cantab; 15th June 2024 at 08:06 PM.

  8. #8
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    What gorgeous scenes - Definitely one for the bucket list.

  9. #9

    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Quote Originally Posted by Cantab View Post
    Hi Sharon, I'm in Victoria at the southern tip of the island. There's a park I know well with a rocky shoreline that provides a wonderful view across the strait to the Olympic mountains; and if one looks west on a reasonably clear day, it's possible to make out Whidbey Island. And on clear days, Mount Baker is often clearly visible. So lots of good vantage points to view the US but direct connections, as a crow would fly, are limited.

    Yes, I think I read in the newspaper that the Anacortes ferry to Sidney is not running at the moment and any plans to restart it are in the dim distant future.
    Victoria was our first choice. Was even talking to attorneys for immigration. Figured it was just too difficult even though our careers might make it a bit easier (My husband is high up in tech working for himself, and I am a gerontologist).
    Yes, very difficult to get to Victoria, but we are currently in Olympia and our connection would be through Port Angeles, so not too awful... was there not too long ago with my brother.
    You do have some amazing vantage points, and I am a tad jealous about where you are able to live. Orcas will be a good spot for us as well, and a lot of opportunities for me.
    Would love to see more photos of your beautiful city (hint hint ;-).


  10. #10

    Re: Orcas Island Mount Constitution Summit

    Quote Originally Posted by Chataignier View Post
    What gorgeous scenes - Definitely one for the bucket list.
    Hi David, yes if you can.
    There is not much like Orcas Island in the United States in terms of scenery, farming, hiking and the culture.

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