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Thread: New printer

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    New printer

    I'm not about to replace my current printer (Canon Prograf Pro 1000), but if anyone is thinking of buying a new printer in that range, the review below might be interesting.

    When I bought mine, I thought it was pretty much a coin toss between the Pro 1000 and the Epson competitor at the time, the P800. Each had clear advantages and disadvantages, but on the whole, they seemed evenly matched.

    When Epson came out with the P900, they eliminated one of their disadvantages: you no longer have to switch black inks. The Pro 1000 didn't require that, but the P800 did. Had I been buying at that point, I probably would have gone with the Epson.

    After almost 10 years, Canon has announced the replacement for the Pro 1000, the Pro 1100, and this one reviewer (below) thinks it is a substantial step above both the Pro 1000 and the Epson P900. I'll be interested to see what more detailed reviews say, e.g., if Marc Segal does one. But at this point, if I had to buy a new printer, it would be the Pro 1100.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: New printer

    Thanks Dan - an interesting read. It looks like Canon has finally addressed two of the big shortcomings of the Pro 1000; print longevity and issues with scuffed prints.

    The P900 is a printer I would not consider, given problems with build quality and and paper feed issues. That being said, the P900 was released about 4-1/2 years ago, so is due for replacement, likely next year, as Epson have traditionally updated their line every 5 years. The print quality difference between it and my P800 (which is pushing 9 years old - it was released in 2015 and I bought it in 2016) is quite noticeable.

    If my printer died today, I would be having good hard look at the Prograf Pro 1100. Hopefully by the time I do replace it, I will have a choice between it and whatever new model Epson releases.
    Prior to you mentioning this new printer, I expect I would have gone with the Epson SureColor P5370, which is the P900's sibling, in a more robust package (runs for about $1000 more than the P900).

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: New printer

    The problem I have always had with replacing a faulty printer is that I am left with a stock of unused ink cartridges. Even new models from the same manufacturer often use different ink cartridges.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: New printer

    Yes, in this case, the ink is not the same as is used by the current model, the Prograf 1000. However, in this case, it makes sense, since improvements in the composition of the ink is one of the main selling points of the new model.

    Both of these printers take 12 large ink cartridges, so if your printer fails when the cartridges are nearly full, you're out a lot of money. The price for a full set for my 1000 costs $626, which is less than it used to be.

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