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Thread: ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276

  1. #1

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276

    This is a monochrome-themed competition that is open to all CiC members.

    ENTERING. Add your MONOCHROME/B&W image in a new post below. Make sure to change your post title to a name for your picture (click the "Go Advanced" button). Only one entry per person, and any tinted images should utilize no more than one color. For help posting images, go here.

    VOTING. When this competition reaches 10 entries, a poll will be automatically added and any member may then vote. After 2 days, voting ends and the winner is determined.

    Once voting begins, a new competition will be automatically started.

    Good luck!

    Notes: Please do not request feedback or comment on other images until after voting has closed, as it could be unfair to other entrants. Photos must be your own, and never entered into one of our prior competitions. We also ask that only recently taken or edited photos be used as entries (in the spirit of motivating everyone to continually improve).

    PS: Make sure to also vote on the previous competition here.

  2. #2
    Chataignier's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Central France
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    The lookout

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276

  3. #3
    Panama Hat & Camera's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Macae - RJ, Brazil
    Real Name
    Antonio Luz

    Wall of the Castle of Afonso Henriques, in Guimarães

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276 by Antonio Luz, on Flickr
    Last edited by Panama Hat & Camera; 26th September 2024 at 11:36 PM.

  4. #4
    Otavio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Real Name
    Otávio Oliveira

    Sancta Veronica - St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276

  5. #5
    The amateur's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Setúbal - Portugal
    Real Name
    Antonio Correia

    The way to the other room

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Melbourne, Australia
    Real Name

    Old town

    ACCEPTING ENTRIES: Monochrome Mini Competition #1276Old town by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

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