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Thread: Another try at an autumn scene

  1. #1
    DanK's Avatar
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    Another try at an autumn scene

    Today I took some additional shots at the location I posted recently, with the controversial tree on the left. The edit below is a first edit, but I think it may be interesting.

    This was my first time using selective color adjustment layers in Photoshop to separate colors more.

    Here is the original, SOOC, unedited, adobe color rendering:

    Another try at an autumn scene

    I did a few basics in LR--added texture and a little vibrance, increased the saturation and decreased the luminance of blue--and then exported to photoshop. There I started with three selective color layers, one each for red, yellow, and green. you can do this all in one layer, but I used three to keep things straight as I experimented. I did dodging and burning, and a global curve with a luminosity blend. I added local contrast only to the left tree and middle grasses, and I did smart sharpen of everything except the foreground grasses.

    Another try at an autumn scene

  2. #2
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Another try at an autumn scene

    I would say that your experiment with the colour adjustment is a success. In fact, all the processing that you did works quite well. I wonder though why you cropped the original at all. I see very little that is problematic near the edges and the cropped version feels a little cramped to me.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Another try at an autumn scene


    Thanks. The crops were for balance. The foreground grass isn't in itself interesting, and I felt it took up too much space, so I reduced it a bit so that it would serve more as a framing element. The same was true on the left. I wanted the tree to take up a little less space and to serve less as a primary subject and more as a framing element. This is a continuum, of course. I just wanted to tweak it a little in that direction.

    I foolishly forgot to save the the link to the video I used to learn how to do color separation with the selective color adjustment, and I had no which computer or tablet I'd watched it on. However, I managed to find it this morning. It's by Blake Rudis, and I think it's quite good. The URL is

    I recommend playing with this technique if you have images where greater color separation might improve things. It's very different from selective color saturation adjustments. I wish I had learned this a long time ago. In this case, red had the biggest effect, followed by yellow. Altering green had surprisingly little effect.

    Re other edits: I've fallen in love with the LR texture adjustment. It's somewhere in between sharpening and clarity in terms of frequency, and it seems to have none of the contrast adjustment that's part of clarity. The effect is quite subtle, and you can boost it quite a bit without any apparent artifacts. In this case, I boosted texture in LR even though I planned to add local contrast via unsharp mask in photoshop. At least at the conventional settings (radius 50, threshold 0), USM is coarser and more prone to artifacts than the texture adjustment.


  4. #4
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: Another try at an autumn scene

    Thanks for the link. I look forward to watching the video

  5. #5

    Re: Another try at an autumn scene

    Nice, I like it.

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