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Thread: Concorde night shoot

  1. #1
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Peter Schluter

    Concorde night shoot

    First image out of the digital darkroom.

    Concorde night shootIMGP1471 by Peter Schluter, on Flickr

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Nice shot. Now you have exactly the issue I posted about: what's YOUR choice about how to handle WB?

    Mine would be to try to remove the color cast on the plane while retaining the blue-hour look. It's a balancing act, and not simple. A simple WB adjustment using the nose of the plane will add magenta, turning the sky purple. In any case, it's a matter of taste. Years ago, I entered a wilderness night shot that had a strong color cast because of sodium vapor lighting 7 miles away across a lake. I left the cast alone. The judge, who was an professional who does a lot of night photography, gave it an award and then explained the source of the color cast to the people in the room. Years later, I went back to the image and decided I didn't like the color cast. All a matter of taste.

  3. #3
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Personally I think it makes sense to leave the aircraft with the cooler look, that at least matches the sky.

    The image that I saw with my eyes looked nothing like this. The sky was dark, the aircraft, although illuminated, was very dark.

    This is a 15 second exposure, and I have pumped up the brightness on the fuselage.

    I completely agree, with images like this it is all a matter of taste.

    I will post more in the coming days

  4. #4

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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    I like it but I wonder about cropping the right side to remove the bright building light which I find to be distracting? Plenty of room to also remove part of the bottom (or bottom/top) to retain the current size ratio.

  5. #5
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Thanks Geoff, I certainly considered that too.

  6. #6
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Another one........

    Concorde night shootIMGP1488 by Peter Schluter, on Flickr

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Hi Peter,

    Nice shots, I guess this was an evening event at Brooklands - somewhere I have visited several times, living not too far away myself.

    I agree with Geoff's idea of cropping to remove the distraction of the spotlight and green lit building on RHS of these two. If mine, and I didn't want to remove all the green lit areas, I'd try a brush filter to desaturate the green lit end of the larger building, and its door.

    Cheers, Dave

  8. #8
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Peter Schluter

    Re: Concorde night shoot

    Thanks Dave.

    I did try a variety of crops before settling for this one. I did not like the tighter ones as they seemed to emphasise the uneven lighting on Concorde itself. The background is quite cluttered, and the picture seemed to be better when the wider scene is included.

    I will try to reduce the brightness on the extreme right and experiment with adding some compensating brightness to the plane in the background left.

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