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Thread: At the beach, phone in hand

  1. #1
    whited3's Avatar
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    At the beach, phone in hand

    Hi all.

    I've been absent from CiC for some time but I'll try to post and interact more often going forward.

    Recently I've been trying to improve my phone photography as I don't always have the 5Ds with me and sometimes I'm just too lazy to get all my gear together for a formal shoot.

    Here are some of my recent efforts for C&C, shot on an S24 Ultra in RAW at 50mp. PP in ACR and PS.

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand
    Last edited by whited3; 27th November 2024 at 05:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Round Tuit's Avatar
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    Welcome back.
    You have some nice photos. My top pick would be the fourth. I find the washed up ship and the man on the beach to be rather distracting in the first two images.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    For me, you have a few composition problems with the first three images. Not really your fault; sometimes the world doesn't cooperate with producing ideal scenes.

    With #1 I would try a substantial crop from the left side to leave the figure just on the left side of halfway and a similar amount from the bottom.

    #2 has similar issues with a gap of interest in the middle section. Sometimes, I just shrug my shoulders and walk on when the scene isn't working well.

    #3 is an impossible scene with that over exposed strip of sunlight. Working with my best equipment I occasionally have a go at similar situations but do a merge of bracketed exposures and expect a lot of rejects.

    The Limpets work OK (as Andre mentioned) and the image appears like an alien landscape

  4. #4
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    Again with the S24 this morning..

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

  5. #5

    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    So beautiful.

  6. #6
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    S24 again.

    Why the B&W? No idea other than to say that some photos seem to ask for the treatment. Is it the high contrast that the eye sees in some photos?

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    I like how you are going about your work, but I feel that you need to work on your composition. The first image in #6 is not as strong as it could be because you have enough material there for 2 separate images. They are stronger by themselves than the single image you have posted.

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

  8. #8
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand


    C&C appreciated. Agreed that composition (or even PP cropping) is something I have to finesse. I'm not an artist of any description and so find it hard to "see" these things in the field.

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I like how you are going about your work, but I feel that you need to work on your composition. The first image in #6 is not as strong as it could be because you have enough material there for 2 separate images. They are stronger by themselves than the single image you have posted.

    At the beach, phone in hand

    At the beach, phone in hand

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Re: At the beach, phone in hand

    I am of the same opinion as Manfred but maybe if you cropped the footprints from the bottom to give something like a 4 x 5 ratio you could still have both the people and the footprints in the same image?

    In the boardwalk and clouds image you have a halfway horizon line. This is always a tricky area where two subjects are fighting for importance. Which is most important to you; the boards or that nice looking cloudy sky? Reducing one of them should produce a stronger image.

    The same thing applies to the underside of the boardwalk where you have a halfway vertical split.

    ps. If you want to continue producing unusual black & white images have a look at the work of Kaskais. For example


    I don't always agree with his compositions but he always makes me think.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 12th December 2024 at 06:13 PM.

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