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Thread: Bye bye Adobe ...

  1. #21
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    So far so good ...

    Bye bye Adobe ...

    Bye bye Adobe ...

  2. #22
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    Good. Post if you run into difficulties.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  3. #23
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    Dan, I don't mind the subscription model as long as the provider is indeed actively developing the product, and I doubt if anyone could accuse Adobe of falling short there. I did go through a period (with Capture One) where I wasn't happy with what I was getting and elected to purchase a perpetual licence - and regreted it 12 months later!

    I had a look at what I've spent at my favourite photo dealer's in the last 2 years and it makes update pricing from any of the software providers I use (or have checked on) look like bargains. Admittedly it's biased a bit by my recent "gear diet" moves but even at that there are all the other things in the last few years such as a new computer and monitor specifically and solely for photo-related word.

    Maybe I should take up knitting ... or (more realistically but no thanks) sell all my gear and buy the latest iPhone - that would last about 3 years based on my actual phone upgrading history - oh dear, that's where this conversation started.

  4. #24

    Join Date
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    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    I have tried to make some sense of the Adobe UK prices but just ended up more confused.

    Firstly there is the everything Adobe option at £57 per month or £656 annually.

    The Photography Plan seems to come in uncertain ways but somewhere around £20 per month or £238 annually. But there appears to be a Lightroom only version at £12 per month or Lightroom plus Photoshop at £15 per month. I couldn't find any 12 month prices for those.

    My current and projected price for the next year is £120 for Lightroom, Photoshop and Premiere Rush with some cloud storage if I wanted it.

    So perhaps it is time for Adobe to produce some easy to understand prices.

  5. #25
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    yes, I was puzzled too: the US page clearly indicates the price if paid annually, but I wasn't able to find that on the UK pages.

  6. #26

    Join Date
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    Land of the Rising Sun
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    Leo Bhaskara

    Re: Bye bye Adobe ...

    According to my app usage stats, I used Lightroom for less than 20 hours last year.

    Maybe at least I should change to Photography plan because right now I only use Lightroom... I don't remember why, but I got the All Apps one..

    So I've been renting Lightroom for around 30 USD per hour since last year
    Last edited by lunaticitizen; 24th January 2025 at 01:16 PM.

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