I've had an on and off and on again relationship with Adobe over 20 years or so. The short version is I love Photoshop and have never had any problems with it but Lightroom - that's a different kettle of fish.
I've tried several times over the last 5 or 6 years and in pretty well each occasion have gone from an initial "Wow why don't I still use it" to "Stupid idiot, how many times do you need to try and give up before you accept it's not for you". To be fair like most of these things it's the user not the product - I think the main issue is that it's too similar but different to Capture One which has been my main library and editing program for 20 years or so, and too many of the things my brain automatically tells me to do just flatly do not work in LR.
Notwith standing all that I was happy to pay whatever it took to get Adobe Photo just for Photoshop and simply ignore LR. Those days look like they are numbered with the lastest price hike which includes an obligatory subscription to Adobe Cloud which is of no interest or value to me whatsoever. True, true, true - it's hardly a break the bank issue but now it has become too much of a value for money one, which when added to the user problems mean it's farewell.