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Thread: Project 52 week 6

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Project 52 week 6

    It doesn't HAVE to look sharp ...

    We live in what is basically rural southern Perthshire in Scotland. Like most such places it is no longer the small and quiet community of 20 or 30 years ago, but some features do remain, including a weekly visit from a fish merchant based in the coastal town of Arbroath, about an hour's drive away.

    The van is stocked with all the usual suspects you would see in most independent fish retailers ("Fishmomgers") and also a local speciality, the Arbroath Smokie (, which we enjoy, and smoked haddock fillets usually but not always used to make a kedgeree at least once a month.

    Here is a shot of Campbell, the owner, cooling down the fire in the smokehouse - I was quite pleased with the way it came out, enough smoke to tell the story of where he was, but not so much that you would not have been able to see him.

    Project 52 week 6

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    That looks OK to me.

    There is an increasing interest in naturally smoked fish which does not contain the additives and dyes which had recently become commonplace.

  3. #3
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Take care using a zoom in a smokehouse, when you zoom the volume in the lens changes and air may be drawn in. Smoke condensing on the inside of a lens is not good...

    Nice shot though.

  4. #4
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Sensible advice David - it was shot with my 50mm f1.8 prime, not because of any fear (or awareness) of the potential smoke issue but because at the time it was taken that was the lightes and widest aperture lens I owned

  5. #5
    LenR's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Bill, I like it. Nicely done.....

  6. #6

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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    That looks OK to me.

    There is an increasing interest in naturally smoked fish which does not contain the additives and dyes which had recently become commonplace.
    And do those objecting to the additives and dyes have any idea what's in "natural smoke"?
    Don't misunderstand me, I prefer naturally smoked products for the flavour (and the natural variations). I don't have any illusions about it
    being "healthier" or safer, though.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Bill, what a fantastic shot you have here !

    The lingering smoke sets an ambience that hints at a scene of fish being grilled, with someone captured mid-action. It’s well known that fish from cold waters simply taste better than those from warmer regions—consider, for instance, shellfish, whose aroma and flavour are truly incomparable.
    I only wish I’d caught even a glimpse of a little fish or part of, to better frame the action, though your explanation certainly clears things up.
    Here in Setúbal—a coastal town—we have an abundance of fish in the local market, and our restaurants proudly serve them grilled in open kitchens to the delight of their customers.

    And, as a bit of my pessimism when it comes to the state of our planet, I’ll refrain from any comments about the quality of our ocean waters (and beyond!).

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Bill - this is a tough shot as light bounces off smoke and can become too bright. You've found a good balance here.

    Salting, drying and smoking are both traditional ways of preserving fish and were really the only options prior to the development of refrigeration. It's always nice to see that these traditional methods are still in use.

    The comment about lenses breathing applies to both focusing and zooming as the air has to move between the lens elements, otherwise the air would compress and that wouldn't be all that useful. The amount of air movement will certainly be higher with a zoom lens, especially the ones that do not have internal zoom.

  9. #9
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Thanks Antonio

    This is from the same shoot - perhaps a better one in terms of the story telling but not so atmospheric.

    Project 52 week 6

  10. #10
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 week 6

    Thanks Manfred

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