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Thread: Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

  1. #1
    billtils's Avatar
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    Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

    I've been a Mac user since the mid '90's when I headed up a not-for-profit that provided QA and training for crime labs in the US. There were around 350 of them at that time and we moved from costly face to face to online delivery. The training group's response was "Great, but we need Macs if you are serious about this". They got their Macs and when my Windows machine was up for replacement I joined them and have been a happy chappy ever since. Now that I'm well and truly retired I've generally kept up to date but believe I've avoided GAS syndrome and chose the minimum spec options and waited a reasonable amount of time when a replacement was justified (no comment on "Justified").

    Until now. I did an upgrade from my iMac to a Mac Mini two years ago and purchased what looked to be the best value from the Apple Refurbished store, and compromised on the HD size - bad move.

    It lasted 2 years and has been traded for a new one with the M4 chip 2TB of hard drive and 24GB of memory.

    Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

    Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

    Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

  2. #2
    The amateur's Avatar
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    Antonio Correia

    Re: Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

    It looks you do not need a new monitor !

  3. #3
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Week 8 (I just HAD to do it ...)

    Yes, as the saying goes, it's old but gold. It's a BenQ SW240, nothing fancy but all my competition work requires digital images no higher than 1200px, no wider than 1600px, and sRGB colour space, so there's no point in spending money on a 4K (or higher) res screen
    Last edited by billtils; 20th February 2025 at 11:07 AM.

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