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Thread: Datacolor meter....

  1. #1
    LenR's Avatar
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    Datacolor meter....

    I received notification of an upcoming webinar regarding Datacolor's newly released colour and light meter.
    This may be of interest to some forum members.....

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Datacolor meter....

    I'm still trying to figure out why I would need one.

    Unless I am shooting in a studio that is 100% neutral tones, I am going to pick up colours from the surroundings. A white card shot at the point where the main subject is will work quite nicely. I guess if you are shooting JPEGs and you need to get the white balance right in camera, it might be of some use.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Datacolor meter....

    I've always wanted a Sekonic C-800 meter. It was in the midst of the pandemic and the thing was out of stock everywhere. Now that they're back I've forgotten what I wanted one for

  4. #4

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    Re: Datacolor meter....

    I used a datacolor calibration device. One had to download software wilth passwords etc. Then they launched a new veersion. Then they decided I couldn't download software but buy a new calibration device. I no longer use datacolor.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Datacolor meter....

    How would you actually use the information unless you are creating a custom WB, which is of no use when shooting raw? For that matter, even though I actually own an incident light meter, I find virtually no use for it. Last time I used it was to get an initial setting for the lighting in the room where I do photo editing, several years ago. Using a reflective meter and including a neutral gray card suffices for my needs. I set WB and tiny from the gray card and then modify to taste if needed. Most often I don't even need that; I just make changes in post if needed without a gray card.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Datacolor meter....

    On the other hand, I use my Sekonic L-358 light / flash meter all the time. It is invaluable in setting up multi-light shoots, which I do quite frequently

    My xRite i1 Display calibration tool gets used before every national level competition I have been asked to judge.

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