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Thread: Yep, I can see it

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Yep, I can see it

    I took this image walking around. I liked the intimate look.

    Yep, I can see itYep, I can see it by Ole Hansen, on Flickr

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Yep, I can see it

    Terrific photo—such expressive, authentic faces. They’re so captivating that it took me a while even to notice it was in black and white.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Yep, I can see it

    A superb image of the two faces. However, I would do some editing. the bright areas behind the people is distracting. For example, just a few mouse clicks in ACR (LR would be the same) to select the people, invert the mask, and darken yields this:

    Yep, I can see it

    It needs more work; for example, I would do some local adjustments to darken the bright areas around the woman's head, and then I would again select the people and work on contrast a bit. However, just darkening the background help draw the eye to the faces.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Yep, I can see it

    +1 to Dan's comment. The bright background is distracting and toning it down the way he did improves this image.

  5. #5
    Chataignier's Avatar
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    Re: Yep, I can see it

    It's a great capture, you have caught the "decisive moment" as Cartier Bresson would have said.
    However, I do agree with Dan, it's worth toning down that distracting bright area and perhaps reducing the highlight on the woman's forehead. I'm sure there are other subtle improvements possible too. A shot that merits the effort in my opinion.

  6. #6
    AntonioCorreia's Avatar
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    Re: Yep, I can see it

    I saw this photograph almost as soon as it was posted and was immediately captivated by the way the couple presents themselves, drawing all attention to their expressions of complicity in what seems to be a simple selfie.

    They are in a happy moment, completely at ease with each other, which is reflected in the tranquillity of their gazes and the light. It’s an image that radiates warmth and tenderness.

    If I may offer a small suggestion, a subtle sepia tone could add an even more inviting and nostalgic touch. Without diminishing the strength of the moment, this slight adjustment in tone would enhance the sense of closeness and affection that the photo already conveys so beautifully.

    Well done Ole !

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