Okay! Say someone, hypothetically, got a bunch of money for Christmas to purchase a Canon 60mm macro prime lens that they've been wanting for a long time. Let's also say, hypothetically, that they've researched the lens and related topics quite extensively and know that's the lens that they want to purchase but cannot, for the life of them, discern which uv filter that they should purchase to protect the new beautiful piece of glass that they have coveted for so long. Let's, also, say that they just can't spend more than $50 on the filter - hypothetically, that is, of course.
In other words, I can't figure out which (52mm), multi-coated, uv filter to get. I know that a digital camera doesn't need the uvfilter but I do want to protect the lens. I, also, understand that it's silly to buy this specially treated lens and, then, stick a silly, untreated filter over it. I've been looking at Hoya filters in the $30 range but some reviews say that they pit and smudge very easily and, when they tried to clean it, the coating came off. (Maybe, they didn't read the instructions that must come with them?) One review, also, talked about the "greenish tint".

I don't know if these people even know what they're talking about.
Advice, please.... anyone with experience with these?